I think i feel it.

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Izuku POV:

"Let me join bitch"

D-did kacchan really just say that? Or did I not hear correctly..?

"W-what?" I say, my voice showing genuine confusion.

"You heard me shitty nerd" he scowls, his veins looking like they're about to pop at any given moment.

Wait, I have an idea that should hopefully work, if not, I might see Jesus again.

"I-I will if you d-d-don't hurt me right n-now..?" I think that came out wrong, crap! I expected a beating anyways, Better now then later I guess?

"You little-!" He yells furiously, about to pounce me.

I flinched hard, curling into a ball while putting my hands up to protect myself on instinct. Aww crap.

Third person POV:

Izuku waited for an explosion to meet his arms. He waited.... And waited.... And waited.... But it never came. He looked up to see Katsuki glaring daggers at him, clearly irritated, but not physically doing anything to him.

Maybe it worked..? Izuku thought, sighing gracefully at the idea of his bong saving his life for today. But he can't be too sure, because Katsuki's temper is too unpredictable when it comes to Izuku.

Izuku stared for a second before hearing Katsuki mumble a barely audible "fucking bitch", then he sat down beside him, barely leaving any personal space for the two boys.

"So? Hurry the fuck up and make me a hit you dumbass." Katsuki said, seeming like he's in a hurry to get somewhere. Izuku scrambled to get the grinder and bong, he then quickly placed the bong in his lap, stuffed it with a little bit of weed, then shoved it in Katsuki's lap for him to smoke.

"Just a hit?" Izuku quietly said.

Katsuki stared at the bong for a bit. "Just a hit."

Izuku didn't know this, but he accidentally put a little bit more than average in the bowl (he put a lot), meaning that Katsuki will be greeting the stars in a few minutes.

Izuku intensely stared at him until Katsuki said "The fuck you looking at weirdo." The sudden conversation scared the poor boy half to death, but he then quickly looked away.

The more he looked around, the more he realized how dark it was. Izuku hopes his mom didn't wake up and start running around searching for her baby, only for her to find out he's smoking with his childhood best friend. That's not a story mama Inko would like to hear. So Izuku, with his high mind, is praying that his mother is sleeping soundly in her bed.

Lost in thought, the sound of the bubbling bong woke him back to reality, and what he was seeing was surreal. Kacchan with a bong in his lap, lighter close by, and a hand getting ready to lift the bowl when the fiery ball of green hemp is done burning.

This is something out of a movie, Izuku thought. A crazy movie.

Author Note: I forgot about this story lol, but here's the second part, kinda short but it is what it is.

518 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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