Part 3 (The angel is dancing with the small color slope)

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Heero Yuy POV

As we are on the place where the camp of the group of old woman and all of us see them drinking and eating as well laughing with that I just move away from the group for a moment and looking around the lake and I was thinking about what are my plans for this world since I have the Wing Gundam Zero and its armaments as well meeting some of my waifus for all that I was thinking as well the ZERO system......... Wait the ZERO system ah shit I forgot about that system with that I was going back to my Gundam and suddenly someone hold my arm and I saw the same old woman 

Old Woman:And where do you think you're going young lad 

Heero:Somewhere far away from here old hag

Old Woman:How rude of you 

Before I say anything I was drag without my will and I was on one of the carts house and we enter the house and I saw a nude Ayano

Before I say anything I was drag without my will and I was on one of the carts house and we enter the house and I saw a nude Ayano

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Heero:I come back later 

Ayano:Wait its not what Heero 

With that I was out of that and I saw Ryo and Yukiya on their new clothes and they were looking at me as if I saw something good

Ryo:So did you see it 

Heero:Nope I just left 

With that I just I was called one of the old woman and setting up the table with Ayano I just look at her I mean I can blame her for what is happening right now 

Heero:Just hang in there Ayano we are not going to stay here long

With that she just look at me and smile and on the side of Ayano I saw the Old woman just smile and thinking about love and youth I mean don't get me wrong I was trying to clam her down with that we just continue what we are doing and minding our own thing and moments later we are setting down the table cloth and I just look at her eye as I was lost for words I mean I already saw this event but looking at them in this world its just great 

Ayano:Oi Heero are you in there

As she was calling me I just snap on my own fantasy and I replay on her as we setting down the table cloth

Heero:Yeah I am here sorry I was thinking about something plus you're pretty on the dress  

Ayano:Th....Thanks Heero 

With that I think I saw a blush on her face or it was just me meh, right now we were done and I was going to carry some of the wine box and I saw Leila and run abit towards her and grab the box and I look at her

Heero:Leila How about you just go and help Akito I think he need more help than we need here 

Leila:I see 

With that she just left and Ryo just look at as he was grateful plus I know how clumsy she is right now 

Ryo:Thanks Heero saving the wine there and not making Leila carry it 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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