"Are you two going to tell us how the target got away?"

Inej looked down at the table and Kaz made eye contact with me.

I opened my mouth to tell him the truth, but closed it.

"Tell me!" Kaz demanded after our silent answers.

"We let her go." I said quietly.

"You what?"

"We let her go!" I raised my voice as much as I could without people noticing.

"You were hired to do a job." I could tell Kaz was angry from his tone.

"Yes, the job was to pick up a fake for an easy million Kruge, but you sent me in with a crazed man we'd known for a mere few days and expected me to be able to kidnap the fake without Arken killing me too?" I answered him, surprisingly calmly. "We found a living saint who can summon the sun."

Kaz maintained his eye contact with me as he had throughout our conversation so far.

"A good magician is a good con artist." He said as he pulled out a coin. "The trick is to make it look real." He made the coin disappear.

"This is different." I said, trying not to yell. "You saw her summon with your own eyes."

"The best illusions are the most convincing. That's the game." Kaz responded.

He was really good at making me mad.

"You can hide behind your cynicism, but I believe she's the real thing." I told him.

"I don't see you falling to your knees to worship every Heartrender, or Squaller we meet." He answered.

"This is different. Her power is a miracle. There are hundreds of Heartrenders and Squallers, but only one Sun Summoner. You don't pick the most abundant flowers, you pick the unique, one of a kind flowers." I argued.

"Pious as that may be, we cannot work effectively as a crew of you're making decisions based on religious zeal."

"Is that a threat to return me to Heleen and turn Elora in?" Inej spat from next to me.

"Either we get the target, or Heleen gets the Crow Club and Pekka gets whatever's left." Kaz answered.

"Wait. Why would Heleen get the Crow Club?" I asked Kaz.

I was staring him dead in the eyes, searching for an answer.

Instead of answering Kaz stood up and walked away.

"Kaz." I called, but he ignored me.

"What did you do?" I whispered under my breath.

I almost forgot how mad I was at him out of the concern I now had.


"We just settled our tab with the last of our coin." I told Jes and Kaz as me and Inej sat down at the their table.

"We're really going to leave empty handed then?" Jesper asked, even though he already knew the answer.

Suddenly, an explosion sounded from outside.

"Our alarm." Jesper said.

"Split up, much easier to take a Grisha one on one than a whole squad of them. Rendezvous at the fountain." Kaz instructed.

We made our way out of the bar where four Grisha spotted us.

The four of us ran, each in a different direction, each with a Grisha on our tail.

I ran into what seemed to be a boiler room. I heard the Inferni come in.

I jumped out from my hiding place and attempted to stab her.

You Are My Light (Kaz Brekker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now