He could just say Evan lied, but he wasn't going to take it to that point. Even though he really could in this instance.

"Babysit, me? I don't need a babysitter!" Evan finally piped up, rushing past Nigel now as soon as he opened the door.

When he reached the counter, he turned around abruptly. Making eye contact with Nigel as he walked up, only to look away quickly.

"So...are you going to tell him that?" Evan asks him, looking back Nigel quickly despite his shyness.

"About the babysitting part?" Nigel teases, causing Evan to narrow his eyes on him. "No, I'm not telling him that part, don't worry. I'm telling him about-."


Evan flinched, seeing Mason walking into the library. He already knew Nigel was unaware as he continued to look at him in wait to finish his words. Only to realize he was flickering his eyes between him and something behind him.

When he looked, he saw Mason grinning up at him. That look of absolute excitement was so evident across his face and Evan wanted to be annoyed by it. Except he was the reason why Mason had such happiness. Because he lied and played with his feelings for Nigel, go try and get closer with Nigel.

Friendship wise...of course.

"Nigel, I was told by Evan about the upcoming date. I was just curious as to where and when you wanted to have it. I'm so excited, I really want this date to go perfectly." Mason breathes, smiling brightly and Evan was fully aware of Nigel looking down at him with wide eyes.

He was certain that from his words and excitement alone...Nigel couldn't refuse.

"Actually," Evan spoke up first, seeing Mason look at him in annoyance, "I want to admit something-."

"Let's have the date tomorrow." Nigel speaks up, causing Evan to frown immediately. He looked at him and saw Nigel just grinning...but it didn't look genuine to Evan at all. "Let's have the date at...your favorite place, after my time at the library is done at six. How about that?"

"Perfect!" Mason cried, rushing to Nigel hugging him. Evan looking only at Nigel with a blank expression because earlier he was going to say no. Only to see that a date was doing to take place despite his words.

Once Mason left, Evan still was looking at Nigel. That evident look of having no words to say was present to him. To his surprise, Nigel actually had something to say.

"I couldn't say no after seeing how excited he was."

"That's what I thought." Evan answered back quickly, seeing Nigel purse his lips. "But you told me...what you told me."

"I know what I told you...but I couldn't do that to him. It's just one date, and I purposely said tomorrow after my shift here is done. So...I'm not abandoning you or anything like that. What I did was the smart way of going about it. Even though this would've never happened if you hadn't said anything but...I digress." Nigel sighs as he walks around the counter. "I still can't believe you did that though. This is the result of your actions."

Evan glared at Nigel, but he knew he couldn't be angry at him. He did start these chain of events...if he didn't want the date, he could've easily changed it. He went along with it and Evan was even willing to lie for his aid.

He'd even pretend to be...

"It all sounds ridiculous."

"Well, you created that 'ridiculous', you know." Nigel retorts back with a snicker. "Not to rub it in your face or anything."

With the continued silence now, Evan just looked at Nigel. He saw him just going to work and not paying him any mind. That bothered him more than he thought it would and he found himself more...irritated than anything.

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