(8) Suprise Visit, Catching Up, and Outside

Start from the beginning

BASIL nodded as he slowly got out of bed. MS. POLLY looked back one more time, smiling contentedly at him before she heard the knocking get more sparadic, chuckling as she closed BASIL'S door. "One second, KEL!"

BASIL laughed lightly to himself as the knocking slowly faded, fixing his bedsheets and getting his clothes ready. Before he took of us pajamas, he got a headache, grabbing his forehead and wavering, struggling to stay upright. A slight ringing filled his ears, shutting his eyes tightly as it went on, groaning in pain, wishing it would end.

And just like that, it did... which was when he heard it again... the crackling. His eyes bulged open, quickly turning around with a sharp gasp, eyes darting around him to see where they would come from. His panicking made it harder to realize it, but when he finally did, he saw it... the White Egret Orchid on his drawer... was now a dull grey, wilted, and lifeless. It was so full of life and blossoming not one minute ago, and now it's practically dead, taken away from him without any warning, unable to do anything about it, just like SU-

. . .

It was too late until he realized it, but the BLACK VINES had already wrapped around him. His legs, his arms, his neck... he was ensared. And it all was coming... from the Wilted Orchid. He was too scared to even scream, staring right at the flower as more Vines creeped their way out of the pot, pointed right at him. He was leaning against the door, gritting his teeth as his eyes shut tightly, seeing the thorny vines coming right for him, he didn't know what to do-

. . .

He realized that he had his arms up, eyes opening quickly and looking in front of him frantically. He could move, he could finally breath again, and the Orchid was still a shining white against the sunlight piercing through the window.

He took a deep breath and exhaled sharply, holding his chest and sliding down the door. He was deep in thought, processing it all and stopping as soon as he remembered what he was thinking before the vines attacked him.... the wilted flower... for a brief moment, he thought that it was just like...

"SUNNY..." He curled up his knees and dropped his head onto them, hugging himself tightly and trembling in place...




MS. POLLY put away the dishes and quickly rushed to the door, welcoming the two with a smile.

"Ah. KEL! AUBREY! Always a pleasure to see you two. I'm guessing you're both here for BASIL?"

KEL: "Yes ma'am! We're here to pick him up so we can walk to school together."

AUBREY: "Only if he's feeling well, that is... How is he?"

MS. POLLY looked back towards his room and exhaled lightly through her nose. "Well... he's still hurting, naturally, none of us can fault him for that." KEL and AUBREY looked saddened by this and looked at each other with concern on their mind.

"But, he did eat a bit for Breakfast! And he said that he was going to school today, so I'm sure he'd be thrilled to walk with you both!"

Both of their faces lit up hearing this, excited they'd be able to see BASIL out of the house again. It had been some time since they had seen him outside, other than visits, they'd never really seen him too often. So this was a much welcomed change for the two.

KEL: "Aw sweet! It's been too long since we've walked to school together. He better hurry and get ready though if he doesn't wanna be late."

AUBREY: "C'mon KEL, we don't need to rush him! Let's just wait until he's ready and see where we'll go from there."

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