CH: 66

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tzuyu decided to go on her aunt layla to took a fresh air and feel the good memories that she experience in the place and she remember a lot of things happen to her.

Which made her smile and she decided to check if there's a fruits from the farm and she start touching the cute flowers and the fresh fruits that she found.

She leave her husband and friends with her aunt first so that she can have time alone and her husband allowed her to be alone first.

Especially it's been so long since she didn't stay in the place.

Of all what happen to her in seoul, it's already the right time for her to have a peace or peaceful life with Taehyung who always make her happy and the only person who made her heart flutter.


Someone said which made her look if who's the person called her and her eyes grew wider when she saw the person.

"Oh my god, samuel?!" She said excitedly and they both walk to each other and hugged each other.

"Oh my god! I'm so glad to see you!" Tzuyu said happily while facing him now and he just smile while looking at her.

"Me too tzu, since you came back?"

"Just earlier, i decided to go here to have a fresh air and clear my mind" she said while looking at him and he nodded as response to him.

"Who's with you? Are you alone?"

"No, I'm with my friends and with my husband" she said while smiling.

"So where are they?"

"They're with my aunt right now, but let's talk about you, how are you now? Aunt told me about what happen to you"

"I already expect that, and I can't stop her for telling it to you, but yeah.. there's still a pain inside me after that accident but i trying to move on and start a new life here with the people i love" he said and look at her and she smile and held his shoulder.

Meanwhile Taehyung, he excuse himself to go find tzuyu but when he reach the entrance of the farm he saw tzuyu with a guy and she looks happy.

Then he start to cross his arms but someone touch his shoulder which made him look back and found Jungkook.

"That's samuel, her close friend here, don't make a scene" Jungkook said and he just rolled his eyes.

"Tae she wants to have a peace here and clear her mind with bad memories that she experience in seoul, so be kind"

"I understand what you say Jungkook"

"Really? You look like want to punch someone right now, have you seen yourself in a mirror right now?" He said with a chuckle.

"Not funny kook" Taehyung said and he just chuckle.

"Hon!" They heard tzuyu which made them look at her and found that she's running towards to them and follow by samuel who's smiling.

"Hon, this is samuel, remember the person that my aunt mention earlier?" Tzuyu said happily and he nodded with a smile and he start shaking hands with samuel same as to Jungkook.

"Sam this is Jungkook, and this is Taehyung my husband" she said which made Taehyung blush.

"Taehyung is blushing" Jungkook tease which made tzuyu and Samuel look at him.

"Stop that teasing Jungkook" Taehyung whisper.

Then they Chuckle, but it was stop when he speak.

"So, you're samuel, my wife's close friend here" he said while looking at him.

"Yup, we're school mates too since we were kids and she also mention that you use to live here before but sorry I don't remember you"

"No it's fine, it's long ago and it's understandable especially there's a lot of things change on me, even tzuyu didn't recognize me before" he said and they both chuckle meanwhile Jungkook and tzuyu start talking to each other while whispering.

"Maybe we can hang out together, don't worry I'll tell you something about tzu that's for sure you still didn't know" samuel said.

"That's good to hear then" Taehyung said while smiling and they excuse themselves from the two and they start walking away while talking.

"Why i feel like that samuel and Taehyung is the closest" tzuyu said.

"Of course tzu, they're both male and they understand each other, same as to me" jungkook said

"But samuel just mentioned that he's gonna tell something to Taehyung about me before that Taehyung still didn't know, what if that two will punch each other" tzuyu overthink and Jungkook just chuckle.

"You don't have to worry about them tzu, i feel that Taehyung and Samuel has same vibes, that's why you have a crush to samuel before right?" Jungkook said and tzuyu just chuckle and look at the two again who's already away.


"what the heck, what happened to samuel and Taehyung?" Sana ask after seeing samuel and Taehyung looks drunk and laughing like crazy to each other.

And tzuyu immediately get out from the house to see them and found her husband and samuel looks crazy already.

They're not same person that she saw at the farm.

"They get drunk and looks like they really enjoy being together"

"Yah!" Taehyung said who's still holding a beer.

"We're not drunk okay? We're just sleepy" Taehyung said in drunk way and he start to hold the drunk samuel who definitely looks same to him.

"We're not drunk right?" Taehyung ask him

"Of courseee! We're not drunk! We're just tipsy!" Samuel said and both of them start laughing so loud and they high five.

"They're crazy" Dahyun said while looking cringe to the until they saw that they're starting to faint while hugging each other and the guys immediately catch them and immediately bring them inside.

"Aiish! Isn't not enough one Taehyung in this group? You put another annoying man in this family" jin said who definitely looks tired of them.

Then he start to get inside to take care of the two.


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