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after Taehyung hearing it, he shoot the side of him and it was cause him to flinch and he smirk while looking at him

"Why you move away? Sadly only one bullet I can use to you right now, but I will make sure that this bullet will make me smile that I seeing you laying in this floor with a bloods" Taehyung said while smirking and start to point on his heart the gun and mingyu just gulp because he really knows Taehyung that he really not joking when it comes to going to kill someone that he hates so much

"Taehyung stop!" They heard tzuyu and she run towards to mingyu and let her back face by mingyu

"Don't ever try to shoot that bullet to him, you really going to regret it" tzuyu said while looking at him and his guards start to pull tzuyu away from mingyu and tzuyu just harshly remove her arms from the guards and just stay on the back

"I-if you kill him Taehyung, k-kill me also, if it's only can make you happy and give you a peaceful life" tzuyu said who is now tearing up while looking at Taehyung through his back that facing tzuyu right now

Taehyung start to click the gun and mingyu just close his eyes but he didn't feel anything on his body and he slowly open his eyes and found that he point it to one of his bodyguards who is already laying at the floor that the bullet was at his forehead

"Don't ever come here again, I will give you a chance to live by yourself, don't come towards on jihyo and others, and if I heard that you hurt one of them, you already know what will be the consequences and I really going to hesitate to grab a shotgun and shoot  the bullet on you that really cause you to be kill and not living in this world anymore, and be lucky your girlfriend is here and she beg for your life, but she will the one who will take the responsibility that the business I need to do with you earlier" Taehyung said and he give his gun to mark and start to remove his mask and burn it through the lighter that he holding and he start to walk and tzuyu look at mingyu again

"Drag tzuyu inside" Taehyung madly said and they did what Taehyung said and tzuyu just remove her arms and follow Taehyung inside of the gate towards on the mansion

Tzuyu get in and dahyun walk towards on her with jungkook and Jin

"Put her on her room and tie her both hands at the bed that will be sure that she can't get out anymore and she will not eat for one week, understand?!" Taehyung said to the maid and that maid obey her and start to pull tzuyu upstairs and tzuyu just didn't let go

"Oppa!" Dahyun said

"Taehyung that is too much" jungkook said

"It's her fault, if she didn't save that bullshit, this consequence won't come to her" Taehyung said

"And that consequence was already equal that you putting a lot of mistakes to her! I think that you love her huh? And what is this?! You being monster to her oppa! You already might kill her boyfriend and you also going to do that to tzuyu huh?! You won't allow her to eat for one week and you will lock her inside of the bedroom and you ask to that maid to tie her both hands on the bed! Is it still you oppa huh?" Dahyun yell at him and jungkook just stop her by holding her arm

"Then how about my feelings huh dahyun? How about those words that she telling me that she still want to get back to the guy who fucking might kill her huh?! Do you think I'm not hurting by those?! That she keep defending thag bullshit!" Taehyung yell back

"Then tell her the truth, tell to her everything, I already tell her that you did this all, all because of taking a revenge, like what you told me before that I really can't understand until now, I really didn't know you anymore oppa, you really change a lot, Its right that I get back here, that I can comfort tzuyu that she never feel hurt by All things that you giving to her" dahyun said while tearing up and start to walk away from him and to jungkook and jungkook called her but she didn't mind them..

"Hyung, dahyun is right, tell to tzuyu everything, everything that you didn't tell to jihyo and nayeon when you meet them, and for sure tzuyu will understand it" jungkook said and Taehyung look at him

"It's not the right time jungkook, I still have many plans and there's many people that I still need to take a revenge by all the pains that they give to me even I'm not around and even I'm still not this kind of powerful person, I'm not that weak person and soft hearted guy now jungkook, it's the new side of Kim Taehyung who is so powerful and strong who controlling the people around him, if Dahyun help tzuyu to escape, I won't treat her as my sister anymore And I'm the one who going to trow her away from this mansion and remove all the properties that she have, and it's will happen to you and to others if you didn't obey me" Taehyung said and start to walk away and jungkook just breath out and look at Taehyung who is walking away from him


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