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"Tzuyu I'm so confuse, cuz the way he look at you and the way he smile at you and said those, he looks like he didn't know what he did before" Dahyun unnie said while we already inside of the car and driving towards on home

And we didn't got a chance to buy a gifts for Jimin oppa and Taehyung

All because of that mingyu!

"Still unnie, for sure he is just acting innocent" I said with cross arms because I'm still bad mood that I see that face again!

"But tzuyu, he looks like he really didn't know...what if he got a accident and had a amnesia" Dahyun unnie said and I look at her

"Unnie, how come that he would have a amnesia? Even tho he knows my name and our name huh?" I said

"Tzuyu, it's also same to Taehyung condition, do you remember?" She said and I look away

"What if, he only knows that you both are friends before you both become couple, and that's the only thing he remember which is that you both are in the first level of friendship that was happen a years ago" Dahyun unnie said

She also have a point, but it's also making me believe to what unnie telling me because of what I remember before that Taehyung is starting to investigate about mingyu if where is he

And his investigator didn't found that he didn't get out of the country or he is not around of the country, and it's also might the reason that he really had a accident

But why? Is there any villains to our life who is coming to hurt Taehyung or to hurt me?

*Time skip*

We already got home and I ask if where's Taehyung and mark told me that he inside of our bedroom and I nodded and I start to walk towards upstairs to check him

Then I get inside and found him standing on the bathroom door and I just put the things on the table and put down my bag at the table too and walk towards on him and kiss him while smiling but he refuse and it was made me confuse

"Why? What's wrong?" I said

"Mark follow you and Dahyun and he told something to me" he said and I just look away

"Is there any courage of you to tell me what really happen huh? That you see mingyu at one men's store?" He said while looking at me

"I have a plan to tell that to you, but you already know all because you let mark follow us"

"Then if mark didn't follow you both, do you think there's nothing bad will happen if you met that bullshit huh?!" He said madly and I just walk towards on him and hold his waist

"Taehyung...he looks he didn't know me, cuz when I confront him about what he did to me and to my parents, he just saying that he didn't know what I'm saying, but first I don't believe on him, but when Dahyun unnie told me that all words he told me is true, and it's also made me overthink...that before that you investigate if where Is he right? But you didn't found him, but the truth is he had a accident maybe got a amnesia" I said while looking at him

"Amnesia? But he knows your name and Dahyun? Are you joking tzuyu? Or you defending that guy?" He said who still mad

"Of course not Taehyung, I will never defend him all devil things he did to me and to my parents, I will never defend him, but this one, is really making me believe that he really have a amnesia just like your condition"

"Then you compare that guy to me"

"Aiiish Taehyung just forget it....but...I feel something that there's someone will come to be your villain too...and I'm getting scared that person if the one who might kill you or end us" I said while looking at him

"It's will never happen tzuyu, I will not allow that" he said and I smile and nodded

"So can I kiss you now?" I said while smiling and he just chuckle while looking away

"Taehyung-ahh~~" I said with sweet voice and he just look at me and I smile beautifully and kiss him and he kiss me back

Then we broke it

"More tasty more than to what I eat at mall" I said and lick my finger and I start to walk away to check the things I buy

"Do you buy a gift for me?" He said and back hug me and I just smile and face him and clung my arms on his shoulder and pout

"I'm sorry, I didn't buy a thing as my gift for you..but I prepare a gift more than that thing" I said

"Then what?" He said and smirk

"Me" I said and he start to smirk and immediately lift me and I just chuckle and we start to walk towards on the bathroom that I just keep wiggling my feet to escape from him

Haysss, nonstop lovemaking.


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