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tzuyu is with mingyu right now having a date together while walking around the park while holding each other hand and they already finish eating dinner together and tzuyu still thinking about what she saw in their cafe earlier in the morning and she only thinks that it's just hallucinations but it was really him

Then she look up and look around while mingyu is saying something and she stop when she spotted someone that was really cause her to stop and mingyu stop too and look at her and ask her if what's wrong but tzuyu didn't speak and just look who is that person that she saw

Even tho, it was Taehyung who meet his friend namjoon at the park and Taehyung also didn't know that tzuyu is at the same place with him

Until mark saw her with mingyu and it was cause mark stop what Taehyung and Namjoon talking right now and mark start to whisper something into Taehyung

"She is in same place with you right now with her boyfriend and looking at you and looking that she was wants to know who Is the person that she looking right now and it was made Taehyung smirk

"What is it Taehyung?" Namjoon ask

"Nothing, do you want to come at house to talk? It's getting colder now" Taehyung said and Namjoon smile and nodded and they start to walk towards on their car and he feel that tzuyu eyes is following him and he stop from walking first because of Namjoon going to tie his shoe and he look up and look at tzuyu and it was already cause tzuyu to be so shock

"T-taehyung" tzuyu said and it was cause mingyu look at her

"Taehyung? Kim Taehyung?" Mingyu said and she didn't leave her eyes to him and Taehyung start to look away and tzuyu look at mingyu again and look at Taehyung and found that they already walking away with the bodyguards and tzuyu immediately call him and let go of mingyu and run towards on him and mingyu just immediately follow her and calling her

Then Taehyung, mark and Namjoon come inside of the car and start to drive away from the park and tzuyu didn't reach them anymore and she start breathing fastly

"Tzuyu, what's wrong? Why you saying Taehyung's name?" Mingyu ask and give her a bottle of water and she drink it

"I saw him mingyu, I saw him" she said and give the water bottle to mingyu

"You thinking about him and for sure that's the reason why you seeing his face around"

"But it's so clear mingyu, it was really him, but he was looks so fierce and powerful with those black suits and he have a lot of bodyguards who is following him"

"Tzuyu we both know that Taehyung is not really that kind of guy, he is kind and humble, his face was not clearly to what you talking about right now tzuyu, for sure it's just his look a like" mingyu said and tzuyu just nodded because mingyu have a point

"For sure you already tired, I will bring you home now" mingyu said and she nodded and they start to walk towards on his car to go home


jihyo and nayeon decided to shopping in the mall and they are already buy a lot of things Specially clothes and they are just smiling and having fun around while holding each other hand but nayeon hand is already on Jihyo's arm

Until nayeon point into the cutest stuff toys at one store and saying that it's looks cute for her cuz she is cute too like those stuff toys and it was made jihyo give nayeon a disgusting face

Then they just laugh and look around but they stop when they spotted someone familiar

"T-taehyung?" Nayeon said and Taehyung heard it and he was busy talking with the president of the mall right now with his secretary and they just finish their meeting at the president office because of something important and Taehyung is just wearing a shades

Jihyo eyes and nayeon eyes start to grew bigger when they see that it's truly Taehyung

"Don Kim, they know you?" President son said

"Actually I didn't know" he said while looking at him now

"Ok, we going now first, thank you again for your help in this mall" president son said and Taehyung just smile and nod and the president lastly bow at him and it's Same as to the secretary and they start to walk away with their bodyguards and Taehyung with mark and his assistant name Michael is just staying on that side and he just hide his smirk and start to walk away but jihyo and nayeon called him again and they immediately face him and Taehyung just look at them and his bodyguards going to push them away

"Don't" Taehyung said and it was make the two more shock cuz it's truly Taehyung

"What do you want from don Kim?" Mark said

"He knows us, don't hide at that shade Taehyung, we all know that you know us and very known Taehyung" jihyo said bravely and Taehyung look down and remove his shade and look at them

"It was really you" nayeon said who is burning in madness now

"H-how it happen that you become like this Taehyung? Why you looks so powerful and fierce man now, what is happening at you huh?" Jihyo said

"Of course jihyo, he leave tzuyu dumfounded and choose to be like this kind of man, who is looks so expensive, or more richer than we think" nayeon said while smirking and she look at Taehyung again

"I am right Kim Taehyung?" Nayeon said while looking at him and he look at her

"Drag that two with me" Taehyung said to his bodyguards and his bodyguards obey him and start to drag nayeon and jihyo with him and just keep pulling away from the mall and Taehyung is already wearing his shades


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