CH: 58

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The announcement is already starting now and tzuyu was so happy by hearing those announcement for the people she even didn't know because she saw how happy that person who just win the jackpot and she really clap happily and Taehyung just looking at her everytime she clap and everytime she laugh and he just smirking and thinking that if that smile is still going to be happen after what he going to announce

"Lastly, our Lord Lion will made a announcement before we start our masquerade dance" the MC said and tzuyu look at him and everyone starting to clap and he start to stand up and Jungkook and other boys follow him and they go at the stage and the boys are at his back right now while he's speaking about how thankful he is tonight

"I had a announcement tonight that I would like to insert before the masquerade dance...for my ex wife who's here with us" Taehyung said and she look up to him who's now looking at her and he start to look at everyone

"I allow my ex wife to be here to have her approval" he said and she starting to be nervous

"I would like to share this why I asking it to my wife because she ruined me before..that she marry my enemy before, that really broke the Lord Lion heart..and I even didn't expect that my wife can kill someone too just like the mafia's I know, cuz even me..she kill me" he said and look at her and she start to look away because she already feel so embarrass by what Taehyung saying right now and she already hearing the people calling her slut and cruel woman and she don't deserves to be here

"But now, I want to ask her...I want to announce if it's just ok for her that I will marry Ms. Chloe" Taehyung said that made the girls shock especially Chloe and the boys at his back is surprise by what he did and tzuyu look at him with her swollen eyes

Then Chloe immediately stand up and go at the stage and remove the mic from him and turn it off and she immediately held his wrist and pull him away from the stage

"What the hell are you doing huh?! Are you crazy? You suddenly asking me to marry you after you insulting tzuyu Infront of many people here?! Do you even think that hanbin is here huh?!" Chloe said and Jungkook just look at tzuyu and found that she's not right there anymore and he start to look around

"TZUYU!!" Jungkook scream and they all look at him and found someone pulling tzuyu away from their place and Jungkook immediately run to that man and the boys immediately follow him cuz for sure it's hanbin

Then Jungkook finally reach those guys who's forcing tzuyu to go with them and he immediately punch the guy whos pulling her that made them let go of tzuyu' hand and their guards start to find those slaves to bring to their hidden place to be their hostage and ask if who ask them to do that on tzuyu and Jungkook immediately remove his tuxedo and wrap it around tzuyu who's already trembling and he immediately help her to stand up

"We going home now before something bad will happen again with tzuyu" Jungkook said and they nodded and he start to help tzuyu to bring her at their car

*Time skip*

Tzuyu is currently with Jungkook right now inside of the mansion while she's drinking the water to make her feel comfortable and stop her from trembling until the others start to came home to check tzuyu and they immediately look for tzuyu and Taehyung just follow them and found that Jungkook helping her and found that she's still shaking

"You even have a confident to face me after all you did, but when it comes to those slaves of hanbin who pulling you to be with them again, you suddenly shaking and trembling like this?" He said while smirking and Jungkook start to stand up to walk towards on him to punch him but tzuyu stop him and she put down the glass at the table and stand up and look at him

"It's also give me a hint're the one who contact those slave of him to what? To bring me to that hell again" she said and she step forward on him

"But you even ask me what is my whole story when I'm with him? More than being with mingyu? Never.. because? You only think about your hates about me, you only think about my mistakes that I even tried to save your life..that ever I tried to escape from him..but..but you still want me to go back to that hell?!" She yell and slap him hard that made everyone startled and she start to burst her tears and she immediately grab her both collars to face her again while she's crying and being so mad

"Yes I'm so confident to face you to all mistakes I did! And I also can tell you the whole story when I'm on his hand! Do you want to hear it huh?! Do you want to hear it that will change your mind that you regret all the things you did to me?!" She said while still holding his collars and crying Infront of him

"Do you even fucking know how cruel my life is when I'm with him huh?!! If you are not care my life Taehyung but I am! I care about myself! I'm so scared already! But you didn't understand it! It's ok for me that you're not care about me but Taehyung just this time! Help me also, help me to be away from that danger!"

"I leave you because I don't want him to kill you, I leave you because I love you Taehyung! I did that because I love you! Do you know that huh?! I save your life Taehyung! I ask it to Chloe to help you to save you and make sure that you will be alive! After hanbin knows that you're alive and become more stronger than them, they found out what I did, I heard him, I heard that he will kill me instead of you and there's mingyu who help me to be here to be safe, but he's's also just like the's just like same to hanbin did to me..." She said and start to let go of his collar and wipe her tears

" will not see this face made a way for me to be with hanbin and I will do it for you...I will save your life once again, just for the god sake" she said while looking at him and she start to pass him and she remove Jungkook tuxedo from her shoulder and Dahyun is just crying right now after what just tzuyu another revelation

"It's true Taehyung..she had a secret contact with me, that's why I tried to convince you without being obvious that she ask on me to help you and save you from death, I'm not the only one who help you to recover Taehyung, tzuyu is the main reason why you still alive now, but that way you just did without thinking...become more worst that you definitely will lost her forever..cuz I know what she means by that Taehyung...she will sacrifice her life for you, she will end her life for you, and that's how she loves you so much Taehyung..that you never do for her" Chloe said and they start to walk away and leave him with the boys


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