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"Make sure that it's will clean" sowon said and mark just nodded and start to start his plan

Sowon ask mark to dispatch tzuyu away from the mansion because she knows that tzuyu already know what she did to Taehyung and she doesn't want that tzuyu will stop that plan

And she just watching how mark and the other villains are dispatching tzuyu and they start to put her inside of the car who is unconscious and they start to drive away from the mansion and sowon just smirk and feeling relieved that she finally dispatch the woman who going to ruined all her plans


"Huh?" Dahyun said while looking at the maid

"Yes ma'am, tzuyu is not inside of her bedroom" the maid said and they start to look at each other and that maid start to walk away from the girls

"Tzuyu won't get out from the house that she didn't tell us" Jihyo said and they start to think what actually happen to tzuyu

The others start to walk towards to them to join their lunch and Dahyun just look at sowon who is looking good in morning right now

"Is Someone from you guys see tzuyu?" Nayeon said and they look at them

"No, why?" They said

"The maid just said that tzuyu is not inside of her bedroom and she really won't get out without one of us and she definitely not going out without telling us" Sana said

"Tzuyu is type of naughty and rude girl, for sure she just go somewhere and she will be back" sowon said and dahyun look at her

"As if that you and tzuyu are so close, or something that you did to her" dahyun said and Taehyung stop from eating and look at dahyun

"What are you saying Dahyun? Do you really think sowon going to do something bad to that tzuyu? If she hurt her, that tzuyu deserve it, because of what she did to her last night" Taehyung said who really not care to her and dahyun just slam her both hands at the table

"You will regret what you saying right now oppa, if we found out what that sowon did to tzuyu! Put it on your stupid mind CEO Kim!" Dahyun said and start to walk away

"Dahyun!" Jimin said but she just ignore him and the girls just left them and start to follow dahyun with their anger


Sowon is already walking in the aisle that everyone is looking at her who is have a fake tears and just smiling that dahyun is just too bad mood right now but they are infront of the god that's why she just make herself looks happy for Taehyung and sowon

Then sowon reach Taehyung hand and he hold her hand and they start to walk towards on the priest while holding each other hands

But before the priest start, someone barg to open the big front door and everyone look back and found a woman in black dress and wearing a shades in a long straight hair and looking unfamiliar

And that woman wearing this dress...

Everyone is looks so confuse to the woman who just show at the wedding wearing that dress and wearing a shades and mask

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Everyone is looks so confuse to the woman who just show at the wedding wearing that dress and wearing a shades and mask

"I was too sad that you didn't invite me in this elegant wedding" that woman said and tzuyu friends start to know that voice and they all look at her

"T-tzuyu?" Dahyun said and she heard it and she start to remove her mask and give it to the guard who is already beside her and she remove her shades too and everyone looks so shock to see her again and she just smile to sowon who looks surprise to see her and she start to walk towards on her and start to push her away that cause her to drop at the floor and everyone scream because of what happened on her and tzuyu just turn on her

"The time of your happiness is finally end, still remember what I said or not?" Tzuyu said while looking at her and the staff start to help sowon to stand up and she just harshly remove her arms from those staff

"What the hell you doing here huh? After you being missing for one week and you going to show up like a ghost and seriously? You really wearing that black dress infront of my wedding" sowon said and she start to laugh so loud

"Yeah I'm ghost, that ghost that you really scared to see" she said and she start to become speechless

"Should I show my surprise to you infront of the people who watching this wedding of century? Or you going to run away now" tzuyu said while smiling at her and she said those in teasing way

"What are you talking about huh?" Sowon said coldly and she just remove her smile and she start to face Taehyung and she smile at him and she walk towards on him

"Do you miss me?" She said while looking at him and in her corner of her eye is looking at sowon and she just look at him again and palm his cheek and he look at her again

"I won't never that sowon stole this lips that was definitely mine" she said and kiss him and it was made sowon shock and her friends just smirk and she broke it

"Watch the film that I make for us" she said and she start to sign the staff to play the video and it's start to play and everyone look at it

It was explain all what sowon did to Taehyung and to tzuyu just to ruined Taehyung's position and ruined tzuyu's life

Then tzuyu start to look at mark and she slightly bow at him and he just smile and sowon look at mark again and he just smirk at her and start to walk towards to Taehyung and give the folder

"Here's the medicines that she order to the disguise doctor that she use those medicines to put on your drink, I can say that it's will be a poison that you will forgot something special to your mind" Mark said and Taehyung start to open the folder to look what inside

Then tzuyu start to face sowon

"So, what kind of punishment I will give to you? You tried to kill me, you dispatch me that I can't stop your plans, and I will say again to you....you didn't know me sowon, and now, are you feeling shame now?" Tzuyu said and she start to look at everyone who is mumbling something to her and she just scream and start to run away from the church and she just smirk and she start to sign her guards to follow sowon and make sure that she can't escape


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