Luke gives a groan and says, "Okay whatever. I don't have time for this."

I give him a questioning look and tilt my head to the side. What does he mean by that. Like seriously? This boy needs to get his feelings together.

Luke begins to walk towards me but before I can even move he grabs my waist and lifts me off the ground. Here we go again.

"Luke!" I shriek.

He ignores my protesting and picks me up bridal-style. I stare at him with shock and anger. Does he not know that I have legs?

"Well you wouldn't listen to me." He whispers.

Did I say that out loud? Wait. That's not what I need to be worrying about.

"Luke. I demand you to put me down." I say.

"In a minute." He responds.

I give a groan and give a slight eye roll. I keep trashing on his arms trying to get away. I look at his face expecting him to be grunting or at least a sign that says that he can't hold me but he doesn't seem to be having trouble holding my trashing body.

What the heck?

The door to the room which I thought my sister was in is still open. Luke gives the door a small kick in order for us to go in. The door opens wider letting us in.

Once inside I look around the room. There was about 4 make-up stands each with their own hair products and such. And then lined up against the wall is a brown couch that looks comfortable and beside the couch is a small black refrigerator. A 60' inch flat screen tv is placed against the wall and a small table filled with fruit is in front of the couch.

I roll my eyes when I notice that. Typical. I wonder if they are real fruit though. Or are they fake. I hope they're real cause I am starving.

At that thought my stomach decides to let out a growl. My eyes pop with surprise and I feel my face begin to blush. I decide to avoid Luke's gaze in order for me not to blush more but I hear him give a small chuckle. At this, I feel my blush deepened.

Great job stomach! A+ for effort! (Sarcasm intended)

After recovering from my blush fest, I feel my feet land the ground. I turn to Luke and give him a questioning glance. Before I can even utter a word Luke decides to speak.

"Stay here." He says.

Wait what?

I thought he was finally going to give me an explanation or something. Why is he leaving me? Ugh.

Before I can even argue with him he leaves. I gape at the door in shock. What. The. Fuck.

Couldn't he at least told me where he was going! Or at least gave me food.


The fruit!

I rush towards the table and grab one of the first fruits mmy hand lays on. I bring it towards my face and I noticed I grabbed an apple.

Aw I wanted an orange. My stomach decides to let out another growl. Fine I guess ill eat and apple.

I give the apple a bite but I don't hear a crunch. What the heck? I tap on the apple expecting it to feel hard but it isn't. ITS FREAKING PLASTIC.

I throw the apple on the ground angry at it for not being real. Why would they even put out a bowl of fruit that is plastic? Who eats plastic? Barbie? But I ain't no Barbie in a Barbie world. Who even invented plastic fruit. Why would they even invent it in the first place?

Being His Mate (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now