Just like you

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"Charles!" You yell.
"What the hell is he doing!" Someone yells.
You run towards the place where he jumped off the ship and on the water to save that stranger on the water. You peek on the water, trying to see them. You yell someone to shine light on the water.
Soon the light hits them, you order someone to go and get them.
Soon Charles and the mystery man are on the ship.
"Charles, what the hell!"
"I couldn't let him drown"
You sigh, putting your fingers against your nose. Then you shake your head and drag the both men towards your ship cabin.
"Sit down" You could care less that they're dripping wet.
"Now, who are you?" You ask the mystery man.
"I'm Erik Lehnsherr"
"Alright, nice to meet you"
"But what the hell we're you doing, trying to stop that submarine?"
"It had someone.. from my past inside it"
"Ah, I see and you thought your metal controlling powers could stop that submarine?"
"Well, yes"
"You know you can tell us anything you want to, we can be trusted"
"How so?"
"I also am just like you"
"Wait you're a mutant as well?"
"Yes, and as Charles surely assured you already, you're not alone"
Erik lets out relieved laugh.
The end.

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