You son of an bitch!

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"Logan, you son of an bitch!" You yell.
"Why you calling me that for?"
"You freaking drank my coffee!"
"It was mine!" You state.
Logan just shrugs his shoulders, walking off. You grab his arm and make him turn around.
"Make me a new pot of coffee, then we're even"
"Make it yourself, I have students to teach"
"You motherfucker!"
Then Professor X wheels in.
"Language, my darling Y/N"
You shoot him a very angry glare. He wheels to the coffee machine, putting it on.
"Logan, get to your classses, we'll deal with this later"
You turn around angrily.
"Why'd you let him go?"
Because now isn't the time to solve this fight"
"It was the perfect time, that bastard drank my coffee!"
"Now, don't you have classes to attend to?"
You turn on your heels and run off. You run down the corridors, until reaching your class room. You sigh, seeing none of the students on their respective seats yet. Well at least you aren't the only one late for class. You wait for good ten minutes until the students pile in.
"I'm going to ignore the fact that you're late, since I'm being nice, but as a warning someone again drank my coffee, so I might be little cranky today"
Soon you dismiss the students, they leave the room to go to their next classes. You step out of your class room, seeing Logan talk with Storm in the hallway.
"Uh-oh, did you drink her coffee again?"
Storm asks.
"Might have"
Storm sighs and walks away. She knows exactly what is coming.
"You once again drank my coffee"
"Yeah, so?"
"Why do you do it only when I make coffee?"
"Because I can"
You let your powers swirl out your finger tips. Logan lets his claws come out. Then you hear a voice in your minds, it's Professor, he's asking you to come to his office. You reluctantly walk towards his office, Logan following you. You reach the room, pushing the door open and stepping in.
"Sit down"
You two do as he says.
"Alright, now, you seriously need to stop this bickering"
"But.." You say.
"But.." Logan says.
"No buts, I'm serious"
"Now apologize to each other and you may leave"
Logan stands up, trying to leave the room.
"Logan" Professor says.
"Alright, I'm sorry I drank your damn coffee!"
"Apology accepted and I'm sorry as well for calling you names"
You get up and leave the room with Logan.
As soon as you're out of the door, you say:
"Though you deserved being called names" You grin at him.
"Haha, real funny, shorty"
"I'm not short!"
And there you two go again bickering like a married couple. You and Logan walk down the corridor, hurling playful insults to each other. Professor X watches your receding backs, smiling to himself.

X-Men fanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon