22- can i believe you

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The next morning I woke up with a dry yawn. I needed water or something. Upon turning to my left I realized that Sammy wasn't there anymore. It kind of sent a pang to my chest, but I knew it was probably nothing.

I headed downstairs, only to see the boys cooking breakfast. Sam was making pancakes, Josh was making bacon, and Jake seemed to be preparing what looked like a fruit salad of some sort. I still felt like I wasn't me, like I was just a shell of who I was only 24 hours before.

"Good morning, little one." Josh smiled half heartedly upon noticing my arrival. I couldn't help but smile a little subconsciously.

"Good morning." I said quietly, heading over and plopping myself into one of the island stools.

Sam made his way over to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, a steaming cup of coffee in his other hand.

"Do you want some coffee?" He asked, giving my shoulder a light squeeze.

"No thank you." I responded, looking down at my hands. I figured Sam hadn't told the boys, considering I never said whether I myself was going to say anything to them or not.

Josh and Jake went back to making their food, averting their eyes from Sam and I.

"I didn't tell them anything, just in case you weren't comfortable with them knowing." Sam whispered, moving slightly closer to me in order to make sure they didn't hear what he was saying.

"I want to tell them." I sighed, gazing at the twins. I wanted them to know why I was so off, and I wanted them to be in the loop considering they were also my best friends.

When the food was done, the boys started to eat. I decided to eat a little bit of the fruit salad Jake made and some water. I wasn't particularly hungry. My stomach was churning too much for me to really consume much, let alone pancakes.

The guys didn't question it as they scarfed down their meals. Teenage boys I tell you.

After they were finished, we all went to the living room to hang out with eachother, we didn't really have many plans for today, and for that I was grateful.

I ended up telling Jake and Josh what had happened the previous night. Sam sat next to me on the couch, holding my hand as I explained the situation to Jake and Josh. Josh was more sad than anything, I could see the sympathy in his expression, even tears in his eyes at one point. Jake on the other hand was incredibly angry more than anything, and to my surprise it was even more visible than Sams anger when he first found out.

The boys both hugged me, telling me that they were there if I ever needed to talk to anyone, but I knew they were anyways. They'd always been there for me.

"So," Jake said, sitting back down, "When can we beat his ass?" he added, not Joking in the slightest. Sam smiled, I could tell he was thinking the same thing.

"Nooo no no." I protested, standing up, "You guys have too much on the line for any of that. You have careers. You're going to go places. If you get sent to jail for beating some kid up there's no way you'll get to where you want to be." I scolded, mainly pointing the finger at Jake.

"Okay, okay." Jake stepped back, putting his hands up like I was a police officer or something. I couldn't help but laugh to myself a little bit.

The boys decided we should spend the rest of the weekend together with no interference. They decided against practicing even though I insisted that they spend at least a little bit of the time they had on the band.

Karen and Kelly were still going to be working the rest of the day, and Ronnie was spending time with Ryan and a couple of her friends, so we all had the house to ourselves. We all knew that it called for a chill movie night.

the new day - samuel kiszka (greta van fleet)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt