10- blue light

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this chapter made me cry a lil bit #slayyyy


"Eww... why is he snoring like that?"

"Hehehe... they look so cute."

"Sam looks like gumby..."

"Someone, take a picture!"

"Kids, be quiet, they're trying to sleep."

The next morning I laid there, trying my best not to be woken up by the chatter of the Kiszka family, who apparently enjoy waking up far too early for my liking.

I slowly opened my eyes, looking up to see Sammy fast asleep next to me. Apparently at some point throughout the middle of the night I had ended up on his side of the couch, my head nestled securely between his neck and collar bone, the blankets wrapped around our legs. He looked so peaceful. His hair was still in a messy bun, a few warm brown strands had fallen out and framed his face. I turned my head after a moment and was met with the faces of everyone else. Karen smiled at me with a look of adoration, I could tell she found this adorable while I was somewhat embarrassed. Jake and Danny were shamelessly taking pictures, which I had no doubt were most definitely going to be used as a form of blackmail for Sam and some point. As for Josh, he had the most wild shit eating grin i'd ever seen, and Ronnie had one that came in as a close second. I had no doubt that both of them would beg me to spill the beans.

"Sammy.." I whispered, nudging him to try and wake him up. I slowly pulled the blanket down that covered us and he flinched in his half-asleep state.

"Ugh. No." he groaned, grabbing not only the blanket but also me, pulling me closer and wrapping me close to him like a burrito. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Five more minutes, please. I was so comfy." he complained with another groan.

"Samuel Kiszka, it's time to get up." I said, pulling the blanket from his grip and taking it off of us.

"You tell 'em, mama!" Josh yelled. I had almost forgotten he was standing there. All of the boys were looking at us but Ronnie and Karen had went to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes at Josh before getting up from the couch.

"Sammyyyy" I said expectantly. I mean he couldn't lay there forever, and though I didn't have any plans for the day, I was sure he did.

"Fine, fine." he grumbled, dragging himself off of the couch. After standing up, he stretched and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He was effortlessly adorable, I wanted to know how he pulled it off. He seemed not to be surprised that we woke up cuddling like puppies but I was shocked. I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved it, but I didn't expect it to happen. Maybe it was random, maybe it was the pull I feel when i'm around him. I'm not sure if he feels it too, but I know it's all I can think about.

We all decided to clean up the blankets and pillows in the living room and not long after Karen called us all into the kitchen to have breakfast. She laid out vegan pancakes, toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, and fresh fruit. I'm a vegetarian and i'm not really a fan of eggs so I ended up putting some pancakes and fruit on my plate before finding a place to sit with everyone else. I made my way over to sit next to Ronnie. She still had that grin on her face. I couldn't handle her and Josh, they're something else. Sam ended up grabbing the same stuff that I did before making his way over to the table to sit on the other side of me.

"So, Rowan..." Josh began as we all ate until we were stuffed full, "I assume you're coming to the fourth of July party on thursday?" He said, though it wasn't really a question it was more of a command.

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