9- luna

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*I know only a couple people have been reading this story but regardless, I apologize for not updating in forever!*


Once we all had made it back to the car that day we waited a while for the storm to pass before the long drive back to Frankenmuth. The drive was peaceful considering how tired we all were from our hiking excursion.

By the time I saw the Kiszka's again it was Wednesday. Ronnie had called me and asked if I wanted to have a sleepover and I happily accepted the offer with no hesitation. Believe it or not, I'd never been to a sleepover before.

I yelled goodbye to my father as he left for work before running up to my room to pack my things for the sleepover. I wasn't fully sure of what to bring but after some googling I decided to bring my favorite pajama set, toiletries, my hair brush, some mascara, some books, and a couple of CDs I wanted Ronnie to listen to later. After throwing all of my things into my drawstring bag, I texted Ronnie to let her know I was heading over and made my way downstairs.

Once I got to the Kiszka's house I knocked on the door hesitantly. In a full house I knew anyone could answer which would be fine if it weren't for the fact that I had something undefined going on with one of the boys. I wanted to be good friends with him but I was absolutely clueless when it came to understanding how boys feel. Did he have a crush on me or was he just being nice since I don't have a lot of people to talk to? I had no idea, but I hoped he wasn't pitying me.

A moment or two after I knocked, the one and only Sam Kiszka opened the door. The look on his face when he saw me which made my heart sink a little bit. He seemed shocked and it made me worry that he didn't want me to be there.

"Hey, Rowan." he said with a smile. He looked like he was confused.

"Hi, Sammy. Is Ronnie home? I'm hanging out with her tonight." I said in a quiet manner. I didn't want him to think I was being annoying or something given the fact he already seemed to be out of it.

"Oh... Ronnie. Yeah, she's in her room. Just go up." he said quickly as he shut the front door behind both of us. I stood there for a moment before going upstairs. I had tried to read his expression but it was difficult. In moments like those, I desperately wished I could understand what went on in that mind of his. His uneasiness seemed to turn into sadness, and I wished I could understand why.

He said nothing else to me as he walked to the kitchen, leaving me to do nothing but go to Ronnie's room.

"The party has arrived." I said with a smile as I stepped through her doorway. Ronnie looked up from the magazine she had in her hands and smiled.

"Ro!" she said excitedly, hopping up from her bed, "I've missed you. Josh has been keeping you all to himself." she added with a laugh.

Her room was cute but very different than mine. It was simple and bright. She had book shelves like mine did but hers were incredibly modern. Her room had delicate pinks and grays while mine was mostly deep greens and soft yellows. It was refreshing in a way.

"I've missed you too," I said kindly, setting my stuff on the floor and making my way over to her. Ronnie was like the sister I never had. Her and Josh really made me feel welcomed and for that I was grateful.

For about an hour or two Ronnie and I talked on and on about our lives. I told her about my friends from back home, or I guess lack thereof, and she told me about all hers that she wanted to introduce me to at some point before school. She went on and on about her crush on this kid named Ryan in her grade, and I happily listened. I loved that stuff. Ronnie turned on a The Smashing Pumpkins CD, Siamese Dream, and we listened happily. We didn't have identical taste in music but we did both happen to like them. It was getting later before an energetic voice decided to interrupt our conversation/jam session.

the new day - samuel kiszka (greta van fleet)Where stories live. Discover now