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Hyunjin, „But... I though you guys... just beat anyone if you feel like it..."

Kun, „Sounds like the rumors do their work. Kind of too well."

Jeno, „Like Kun said, that's what the rumors say about us. But we want these rumors like this.

Here's what this gang looks like behind the scenes.

All of us, each and every one, has a background. One which isn't all flowers and roses, some of us had it worse than others. But we're all scarred, mentally and some also physically.

This whole gang is my responsibility, each one of the guys and their actions are, because I promised them.

With the way I grew up, I decided I don't want others to be like this. But I'm not special, I'm also just a person, one of many in the world. But I wanted to change something. So when I found those guys, I found what I could do.

I decided to give those a chance, who have been given up by everyone else and who still want help. That's what the people around me roughly are. Betrayed by others, abused or went on the wrong way. I gave them a second chance, for free basically. And they decided to give me their unconditional loyalty in exchange.

I'm the one who guides them, takes care of them and teaches them, as well as I can.

But I still can't protect them from everything and give them the normal life like others have it. Because of the past mistakes of everyone here they never were free from what they had done or being targets. As a result, I decided I'd take their sins upon me.

We created a gang, built up a reputation with me as their leader. I took their troubles onto me like this, becoming the main target. This is my way of giving them freedom, my way of protecting them.

This is the most normality I can give them, I can give us all. If we break or show weakness, we become a target again right away, if we keep up the reputation of being relentless and brutal, people fear us more and stay away.

It's how I've handled this for years now, and it's how it will stay. It works the best for all of us. I never planned on ever getting involved with someone like Jaemin, which did end up causing problems due to misunderstandings there, but the way I handled it was the best I could do.

Welcome to my gang, welcome to what I've decided to do with my life.

My responsibility and achievements.

These guys are my life and work, my friends and success."

During the talk Jeno switches from Kun to Taehyun to take care of his foot as well, then to Minhee who's arm he bandages, over to San who gets some salve put on his stomach and lastly Hanse, who despite everything also gets some salve on his cheek that Jeno had hit just before.

Right as he finishes aiding everyone, he finishes talking, to now look around at the people again, especially at Hyunjin first, who seems even more surprised than the whole time before.

He then looks at Jaemin, who also looks at him, astonished though. It's a lot to take in and sure flips around the whole picture of the gang that any of them had, no matter what. And especially the picture of Jeno.

San then breaks the silence with a sniff, complaining kind of also not seriously complaining, „Don't call us your success, we're gonna cry again!"

Jeno, „But you are though."

Soul, „Wait so what did you help with what or what's going on or... huh?"

Hanse, „Things like fixing drug issues."

Kun, „Or taming a street gangster."

San, „Fixing trust issues."

Yugyeom, „Protecting and worrying about me, something that was foreign to me before."

Xion, „... I guess I see why you are where you are at."

Jeno, „Everything has a reason. Sometimes thing may not have and sometimes they just look like it or are made to be look like it. In our case, it's the last one. We hide things and deceive to protect ourselves. Sometimes that's necessary in life, in this brutal world."

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