Chapter VI - Song Ming (1.2)

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"Thank you," said him. "What do I do here? It took you a long time to appear. For a moment, I thought you left me."

"I'd never do that." Su Wan flapped her wings in denial. Then she laughed. "For better or worse, you and I are now bound to each other. You can say that we're blood brothers joined at the hip. I just went to take care of some things since you were in such a rush."

You're not even a man. How can you be a brother? Gu Chen shook his head.

She then told him to first go to a safe place and close his eyes to receive the storyline so he'd know what to do.

Gu Chen went inside a bathroom stall and locked it. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was clean. He sat down the toilet and received the storyline.

This body's name was Song Ming. He was an ordinary eighteen-year-old boy that attended as a senior in a good public high school. He wasn't considered ugly, but he didn't have a remarkable appearance either besides his fairly large frame. He also had a best friend that loved to goof around occasionally with him.

Song Ming had a poor background and his family relied on him to study and pass the nationwide exams to get into a good university. He didn't want to disappoint his parents and did have the drive to pursue success, so he invested a lot in his studies. His efforts were not for naught, and he became one of the good students in his high school, always within the top thirty to forty among the one thousand students.

Song Ming had firm goals once he entered university. He would pursue engineering and finally loosen up and attend a lot of parties. He'd find a pretty girlfriend in college, and once they both graduate, maybe they'd get married after they get stable jobs. He'd have children with his wife and when the time came, fulfill his filial piety for his parents who have always loved and supported him. These goals were nothing more than the aspirations of a responsible and kind boy.

It was expected that such simple wishes would be beset with hardships. These hardships were just something that no one expected.

One afternoon at class when the seniors were busy preparing for the exams, screams were heard from the floor below them. The teacher went downstairs to check, but it didn't take long before he came back running and told the students to lock the door and windows.

The students were confused but did as they were told. The teacher then made them stack the chairs high against the door. While they did so, they soon understood why. Zombies came and started pounding on the class door and windows, trying to devour them. The students and teacher were scared witless but could only endure. They barricaded themselves inside the classroom and refused to go out.

Song Ming was one of these students. They were trapped for several days with minimal resources. Finally, the students couldn't take it anymore and urged the teacher to solve the situation. None of their pleas for help from the police were getting through and they were going insane from hunger.

The solution they came up with was to send a group of students outside to find food. They would pass through the set of windows that view the outside and scale the building downwards. They drew lots and Song Ming was one of the unlucky five that were selected.

The group went outside and did their best to sneak to the cafeteria. But along the way, one of the female students that were with them accidentally bumped into some pots that fell to the ground with loud clangs. It drew the attention of the zombies nearby.

They were chased all over the school until they arrived at a storage room with laboratory equipment. Because of the incident, the four other members that knew each other well fought while Song Ming who was an outsider awkwardly tried to mediate them.

The five stayed inside the room with the supplies they scavenged from the cafeteria. Song Ming wanted to go back as soon as possible because their classmates were waiting for them, especially since his best friend was also one of their classmates. The rest shot down his worries and rebuked that it's still too unsafe outside. Since the class was hungry, they would likely send another group. Moreover, why should they come back with the food they worked so hard to get. Song Ming can't go against the majority, so he backed down.

A few days later, the group leader suggested that they should leave the school and survive in the city on their own. Song Ming protested strongly since he felt guilty for leaving their classmates and his best friend. The group leader persuaded him by saying that if they go to the city, they could look for his parents. But if he refused, they'd leave him behind. Would his own share of meager supplies be able to satisfy the entire class?

Song Ming was torn between his parents and friend. With a heavy heart, Song Ming chose family. The group set out that day.

The group's leader was named Lin Yuan. He was very smart and capable. But for Song Ming, he was also very cruel.

Lin Yuan and Song Ming's moral values clashed a lot. 

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