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(Y/n) POV:

Today Emma and I are taking Michael to the beach. It'll be his first time ever at the beach so I'm excited to see his reaction.

When we got there I unloaded our towels and beach bags from the car while Emma unbuckled Michael from his car seat.

"Okay, I think we have everything." I announced and started walking to a secluded area of the beach. Luckily today was super quiet and not too many people were here.

I put our towels on two beach chairs and Emma got out the sunscreen. I quickly put some on while Michael screamed as Emma covered him in sunscreen.

"It's just sunscreen, you're okay." Emma told him as she finished up. His entire face was white from the sunscreen and he had his angry face on, but it only really made him look cuter.

Michael POV:

I did not like that sticky stuff mummy put on me. It's gross! I want it off. But I don't know how to get it off and mummy won't take it off if she made me put it on.

"Do you wanna go swimming?" Mummy asked me and put weird tubes on my arms. They were blue and had little fishies on them. I couldn't respond since I don't know how to talk like they do, so I just nodded my head.

Mummy picked me up and her and daddy walked to the water. It looks deep, maybe I don't want to go in.

Mummy got in the water and started to put me inside before I freaked out. I started crying and squirming to get out.

"You're okay, mummy's right here. It's okay." Mummy tried to soothe me but it didn't work. "Alright, no swimming for you." Mummy mumbled and took me out of the water. She sat me down on the floor and I put my hands in the weird stuff. It felt nice on my hands.

"Do you like the sand?" Mummy asked. Sand, that's a weird word. But I guess sand is weird too so that makes sense. I nodded to mummy and kept playing in the sand. She would drop some sand on my legs and then I would get to play with it.

Daddy came over too and he started putting the sand all over me. He covered up my legs and my arms. It was funny! I felt like I was stuck but I knew mummy would get me out so I wasn't scared.

After I played in the sand for a bit longer I got really tired. We left the beach and I got to take a nap on the car ride to the hotel.

When I woke up we were sitting outside in the lobby. Daddy was typing on his phone and I was sitting on mummy's lap. They both looked dressed up. Mummy had her orange dress on. And she had a little jacket that I was sleeping in. She was only typing with one hand, the other was rubbing my back. I yawned and moved my hand onto her phone. I tried taking it but she didn't let me.

"Did you have a good nap?" Mummy asked me in her baby voice. I've heard her talk to other people without it, she only talks to me with it. "Yeah?" She laughed and I smiled. I don't know why she was laughing it really wasn't that funny. I didn't even say anything!

Daddy stood up from our chairs and mummy did too. They walked to the car and I just got to be held the entire time.

We drove around and eventually the car stopped at a fun looking restaurant. It had lots of people inside.

Mummy and dad got us our own table. There was a big black thing on the table too. I reached out to touch it but daddy stopped me. "That's hot, don't touch that." He told me and took my from mummy.

The chef came over and brought all of his food with him. Is he gonna make it here? That's cool! He started by cracking a bunch of eggs and making rice.

He gave the rice to mummy and daddy when he was done. But I wanted some! I think he noticed cause then he put some in a really small bowl.

I got to try some and it was really good! He kept making different foods and I got to have lots of chicken and some noodles. I liked the noodles. They were really yummy.

After he finished cooking I got really tired. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "You ready for sleepy time?" Mummy asked and I didn't say anything. Obviously. I just yawned again. Mummy wrapped me in her jacket and turned me so I was facing her chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Emma Watson Oneshots Book FourWhere stories live. Discover now