Say yes to the dress?

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(Today is a very special double update day cause I love this one and couldn't wait until tomorrow to post it)

Charlotte POV:

Today is a whole afternoon dedicated to wedding dress shopping. My parents couldn't make it because they're all the way out in LA and I'm in NYC, but Michael and Sadie moved here recently so they are coming with me to help me choose my perfect dress.

I was waiting in the first shop for Michael and Sadie to get here. I had scanned a few racks but haven't made any choices yet.

"Charlotte!" Michael called out and waved. I turned around and waved back before walking over to give them hugs. I hugged Michael first and then Sadie.

"I'm glad your here, but it's one o'clock on a Monday, don't you have work?" I asked Michael. "Yes and no. I took the day off today and I have a new job lined up. I didn't get fired from Mount Sinai but I got a new offer from somewhere else. I haven't started yet though. I'm the on-site doctor for the Yankees now. I'm still at the hospital until the pre season starts, then I give them my notice. I'm kinda bummed though because mount Sinai is super close to our apartment and the baseball field is way farther. The hospital, it's just a walk through Central Park and then I'm there." Michael told me happily. "Holy crap. Really? Like you're gonna be on the field?" I asked and Michael nodded.

"And how are you?" I asked Sadie and looked down towards her stomach. She's pregnant, that's why they moved here. They didn't want to stay in LA and have their family exposed to paparazzi everyday. I get it though, I hated whenever paparazzi would ambush us when we tried to spend time with mum and dad in public.

"We're good!" Sadie responded. She was covering her bump with a larger button up shirt, which I recognized was Michael's shirt. "Is it a boy or a girl?" I asked. "Boy. Michael's very happy about that. He says it's because they can play baseball together. I wanted a girl but it's really no big deal. As long as the baby was healthy I didn't care." Sadie explained.

"He'll be here for the wedding then? Cause it's not until May and you're due in March." I questioned and Sadie nodded. "Yeah. I don't know if he'll go but he'll definitely be here." Sadie nodded.

Our conversation was cut short when the bridal store worked came over and showed us a few samples. I took them and went into the dressing room while Michael and Sadie waited outside. I didn't love the first dress so I knew I wasn't going to get it but I tried it on anyway. It was a tighter white dress with some veil going out towards the ends.

"What do you think?" I asked Michael and Sadie. "Beautiful." Sadie responded. "You've done this before, did you just know like when you tried on the dress that you were gonna get it?" I asked her, just to get a feel of what I should do. I might not even wear a dress. "I tried on like seven different ones. And then when I found the one, I looked at myself in it and I was like okay this is the one. It felt perfect." Sadie explained.

I tried on the next one and I didn't feel that it was the one for me. It looked great, but it was really uncomfortable. It's flowy but also not. It was a long dress too but I didn't quite like that. What if it got dirty?

"I don't love this one." I told Michael and Sadie. "It's cute but if you don't like it then it's not the one." Michael told me.

After three more dresses I concluded that none of these were the dress for me. "So what are you gonna do?" Michael asked me. "I don't know. I've been thinking about wearing a suit, but I don't know how to start that process." I explained. "I bet Sadie could help you? Right Sades?" Michael offered and Sadie looked up and nodded. She was kinda zoned out and resting on Michael. "You alright?" I asked her and she nodded. "Just tired." She mumbled.

"Do you know what Jules is doing?" Michael asked. "She's wearing a dress." I told him. "I think you could totally rock a suit. You would look amazing." He exclaimed. "Thanks." I smiled at him and he smiled back. We all stood up and left the bridal store and walked around Manhattan. It was November so it was still sweater weather. It was supposed to snow later in the week so we were taking advantage of the nice weather while we had it.

We walked to a small restaurant for some late lunch. We ended up taking sandwiches to go and eating them back at Michael and Sadie's place, but Sadie ended up taking a nap instead of eating with us. So it was just Michael and I, which I didn't mind.

"So, I heard you're excited to play baseball with your baby." I told him in an effort to make conversation. It's kinda surreal to talk about my brother having a baby. "Yeah, I have to wait a few years for that though. Don't tell Sadie but I kinda wanted to have a girl. I wanted a boy but once I found out it actually was boy, I was kinda sad that it wasn't a girl. If that makes sense. Mostly because if we had a girl I wanted to name her after mum but it's fine. We can have another I guess." Michael explained. That's actually kinda sweet. I definitely know how he won Sadie over, Michael thinks about everyone but himself. "I get it. You can name the boy after dad?" I suggested. "Nah, Sadie has a name picked out already. Maybe I'll get lucky with the middle name and get to choose." Michael shrugged. "What's the name?" I asked and raised my eyebrows. "Can't tell you, she wants it to be a surprise. I think you'll like it though. It's cute." He told me.

We talked for a while about random things until I got a text from Jules. "I forgot I didn't tell her I ended up deciding to wear a suit." I mumbled. "You could surprise her?" Michael suggested. "I would but she's expecting me to come home with a dress. She's gonna figure it out." I explained.

We said our goodbyes and I left the apartment. I hopped on the subway and started the journey back to my apartment.

"I'm home!" I called out and saw Jules on the couch. "Hey." She smiled at me and got up. "Where's your dress?" She asked and wrapped her arms around me. "Well, I couldn't find one. I think I'm gonna go with a suit." I told her. "That would be hot." Jules muttered before we kissed.

I can't wait for this wedding. It's actually going to be amazing.

(Should I make a part two with the actual wedding?)

Emma Watson Oneshots Book FourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora