Disney World

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(Y/n) POV:

Today was going to be a long day, but a fun day too. Emma and I were taking Michael to Disney world for their fifty year anniversary. And it was also a week before Christmas so they were having a Christmas celebration.

We were here with Flo as well and Michael was super excited for that. She got him a Disney gift card with a buttload of money on it as Michael's Christmas present. She was gonna take him to the gift shop.

We woke up at the brink of dawn because Michael jumped in our bed. "Wake up! We have to go!" Michael shouted. For a four year old he's got a lot of energy. "Come on, let's go get you dressed and ready." Emma told Michael and got up. She helped him on his magic band which just gets him into the parks and rides. He's got a Disney castle one that's red and blue.

After a quick hotel breakfast we walked into the Disney park. Today we were going to magic kingdom. Michael was jumping and cheering and trying to drag Emma and Flo to a ride. I was just walking alongside and watching Michael freak out over everything.

"I wanna go on that one!" Michael shouted and pointed to a toy story ride. "Then let's go!" I told him and scooped him up into my arms and carried him there.

By the end of the line Michael was bouncing and jumping up and down in excitement. Flo snuck off and secretly bought Michael a present. She thinks I don't know but I do know.

Flo snuck back before we got on the ride and got to team up with Michael. Which really meant they got to sit next to each other on the ride. And that meant I got to sit with Em.

We got off the ride feeling super excited for what was to come. Emma and I were trailing behind Flo and Michael. "Michael wants to meet Stitch, and he's here in fifteen minutes." Em told me. "Perfect. We can get in line now." I told her.

"Mummy! Stitch is here!" Michael shouted and jumped up and down. He's the biggest stitch fan there is. Spider-Man and Stitch are his two favorite things ever. Besides Mac and Cheese. He would eat that for every meal if he could.

"Before you meet Stitch, I have a present for you." Flo told Michael and opened up her bag and pulled out another bag. This one was a reusable Disney souvenir bag. Michael took the bag and peeked inside of it to reveal a stitch stuffed animal dressed up as Santa with his little stuffed animal of his own. I think it's name is scrump or something. "It's stitch! Mummy it's stitch! But he's Santa!" Michael shouted and had the biggest smile on his face. "What do you say to Flo?" I asked as a way to remind him of using his manners. "Thank you!" Michael told her and hugged the stuffed animal up to his tiny body. After a few more minutes in line it was Michael's turn.

"Mummy, what if Stitch doesn't like me?" Michael whispered to Emma. He was definitely nervous to go up there. "He's going to love you! There's no need to be nervous. Don't worry." Emma told him. He just buried his head in the stuffed animal. I told the people that were behind us in line to go because Michael was getting nervous and it would take a few minutes to get him to go up there.

"What if we go up there with you? Will that help?" I asked Michael and he nodded. "Alright, let's go." I told him and held his hand as we walked up to Stitch. He knelt down and opened his arms up for Michael, who was hesitant but leaned in nonetheless and showed him his stuffed animal.

For the next two minutes Michael was telling Stitch about how he watched Lilo and Stitch and thought he was scary at first but then he was really nice. It was actually really cute. Their little conversation was cut short by the cast member telling Emma, Flo and I that she needs to take the photo so the next people can go. Michael got a picture with Stitch and then we all got a picture with him together.

After our little meet and greet Michael chose our next ride. He had chosen space mountain. This was my favorite ride too.

Michael held onto his Stitch stuffed animal as we walked into the somewhat short line. "Here Michael, let me put that in my bag so he doesn't get lost. He can't go on the ride." Emma told him. Michael handed her the stuffed animal and she carefully put it in her bag. "I'm excited, I've never done space mountain before." Flo told everyone. "It's super fun!" Michael responded. He then went on to explain every detail of the ride to Flo until it was our turn.

"That was so fun!" Michael shouted as we got off the ride. He grabbed onto Emma's hand as we walked to the next ride. Before we could get on the next ride everyone decided to get something to eat.

"What do you want to eat?" Em asked Michael. "Mac and cheese!" He shouted with glee. That kid and his mac and cheese. He's obsessed. Emma ordered him some Mac and cheese while he just played around with Flo. He was showing her his wristband.

We ate a quick lunch and Michael requested a churro. We spilt a big churro before going on the dumbo ride. Michael and Emma are going on that one, Flo and I are watching.

"Can I take Michael to the gift shop later?" Flo asked. "Sure. But don't let him spend all the money on the card. Todays only the first day. We have a whole week." I reasoned. "Deal." She agreed.

Michael POV:

Mummy and I went on the dumbo ride and it was super fun! The next ride we went on was Peter Pan. We had to wait in line but daddy and I played games on his phone.

"It's our turn now!" I shouted and got in my seat with my daddy and Flo next to me. It was a lot of fun!

I wanted to ride again but mummy said we needed to go somewhere else because it was getting late. We got to go to the castle for dinner! Mummy said it was super fun.

The next ride we got to do was a jungle cruise. "Look at all the animals. There's a hippo!" I told Flo and pointed at the animal in the water. There were lions and tigers and an alligator but I didn't like that.

After the jungle cruise daddy got us corn dog bites! Mummy and Flo didn't want any so daddy and I got to eat them all.

"Come on Michael, let's go do something fun together." Flo told me and took my hand. We walked to a big store.

We walked around and I saw many things I like. I grabbed a Stitch stuffie and held onto it while we walked around the store. "It's Mickey." I told Flo and picked up a Mickey stuffie but he looks like he's on the jungle cruise ride! "Do you want that one?" Flo asked and I nodded. Flo held it for me and we kept walking. I found some spidey toys and a dumbo stuffed animal.

"It's spidey!" I showed Flo and took the spidey from off the shelf. And you can take its mask off. Flo held onto it and we kept walking.

"Okay, let's go. Your mummy and daddy will be mad if we get anything else." Flo said and we went to the scanny machines.

Flo covered my ears when the lady was going to tell her how much stuff we got. I guess she's not happy. They put all of my stuff in a bag and Flo handed the bag to me and gave the lady a Mickey card! The lady scanned it and gave it back to Flo.

We walked to the castle where mummy and daddy were. Mummy took a bunch of pictures of us outside of the castle and then we went inside.

We all sat down at a big table by a window and I got crayons. While I was coloring daddy asked about what we got at the store. Flo gave me the bag and I gave it to daddy so he could look while I colored.

"I can guess what it is." Mummy told daddy and he nodded. "You'd probably be right." He agreed and handed her the bag. "Yep." She mumbled.

"I told you not to go overboard!" Daddy whispered to Flo. "Believe me, we didn't. There's a lot left on the card." Flo whispered back. I just kept coloring.

"Michael, what do you want to eat? You can get chicken nuggets, or pizza." Mummy asked me. I like both! I don't know which one to get! "Um...pizza! No! Chicken! No!" I decided. "How about you get the pizza?" Mummy offered. "Okay." I nodded.

The waitress came over and mummy told her what everyone wanted to eat. I played tic tac toe with daddy while we waited for our food.

When the pizza got here it was really hot. Mummy cut it up into tiny pieces for me to eat. It was really good. But I got tired after dinner.

"Alright, lets go back to the hotel." Mummy told everyone and picked me up. Daddy had the bag with all of my stuffies. I wanted to have my Mickey and daddy let me take it out.

We walked to the hotel and I got to hold my Mickey while we walked. When we got there mummy made me brush my teeth and go to bed.

"Goodnight Michael." Mummy whispered and tucked me in. She gave me a kiss before turning the lights off and I closed my eyes. I'm excited for tomorrow because we get to go back.

Emma Watson Oneshots Book FourWhere stories live. Discover now