Fresh start

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Molly woke up to a dark, chilled room. She tried sitting up, but was unable to move. She figured she was just too tired, or ready to eat.

When she tried to call out for Lestrade, however, there was something blocking any words from coming out. It wasn't like one of her normal dummies. The nipple presses against her tongue, resulting in muffled gurgles.

Molly whined past the dummy, unsure of what else to do.

The door opened softly, and Molly smiled. Her daddy would fix everything.

"Is someone finally awake? You slept for quite a while, poppet." 

Molly's heart stopped instantly when she heard that voice. She began to cry, dummy still blocking her mouth as Moriarty came into her view. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead, pressing a gentle hand on her rib cage.

"You gave daddy a terrible fright when you ran away. Something could've happened to you. I'm glad you're alright, but you have a lot to learn, baby girl." Moriarty cooed.

Molly carried on crying as he checked her nappy. He removed her onesie and rifled through the dresser for changing supplies, bringing them over to the small table beside the dresser.

"Look at you, so upset. There's no need to cry, baby girl, you're back where you belong."

Moriarty wiped Molly clean and sprinkled baby powder on her, placing her in a clean nappy. Moriarty left the room to wash his hands, returning shortly after. He laid a swaddling blanket on the floor and placed Molly in it, wrapping her up all snug. He picked her up and laid her back down in her bassinet.

"You need a little time to yourself to calm down, little one. Daddy will be back with your bottle in a little while, but until then, you'll stay right here." Moriarty said softly. He turned on a small baby monitor and left the room, closing and locking the door.

Molly let out a few more sad gurgles before falling asleep, wishing this horrible nightmare would end.

When Molly opened her eyes again, she was greeted by Moriarty.

"There's my little girl. Is Molly ready for a bottle?" He cooed, reaching into the bassinet to pick her up. "You've been so fussy since I brought you back home. Maybe after a couple days down here, you'll be ready to let mummy and daddy take care of you." Moriarty said. He sat down in the rocking chair and cradled Molly in one arm.

Molly barely had time to let a peep out once her dummy was removed, as her bottle was quickly placed in her mouth.

Moriarty patiently waited for her to drink, something he thought would be quite a reflex at this point.

"Come on, poppet, listen to daddy." Moriarty cooed softly, drawing out some of the words for emphasis.

Molly didn't know what compelled her to do it, but she finally drank some of the formula. Maybe she was hungry, or Moriarty was somehow hypnotizing her, but she wanted her bottle before it was taken away.

Moriarty hummed softly as he rocked, admiring how quiet molly was being. She was scared, that was obvious, but once she began listening to her tapes, she would begin to behave as Moriarty wanted her to.

Molly finished the bottle and was held up to Moriarty shoulder. He gently patted her back until she burped, and then he shifted her back to lay in his arms.

Molly took this opportunity to talk, but she couldn't get a word out before her dummy was back in her mouth, once again permitting only gurgles.

"No words, poppet. Daddy doesn't want baby girl to use any nasty grown up words. Once you learn to talk as a baby should, maybe you can say what you like." Moriarty said, softly but sternly. He stood and carried Molly back over to her bassinet, laying her down.

Molly whimpered as he left the room, doomed to be alone until she needed him again. It was dark and lonely down here, and made her sad. She just wanted to get out of here.

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