Ajax - Just Friends ?

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requested by @urmoms-lover

"Why are you stilll in bed, we need to go in ten minutes ?", I laughed. My best Friend Ajax layed in bed and he looked so comfortable sleeping. It really was a shame to wake him up, but we needed to drive to school in like ten minutes or we would run late.

"Shit", the boy cursed as he jumps up and rushes to his closet. I left the room and shook my head. Why did he always wait till last minute for everything.

9 minutes later, we were in my mums car. Our families were good friends and so we always drove to school,for the new year together.

"Why are you mad, I made it just on time ?", the boy pouted .

"You're stupid", I laughed.

"How am I stupid ", he said and acted offended : " Let me remind you who had better grades last year"

He had a valid point, but I wouldn't give in that quick.

"At least I have hair", I laughed.

"Ouch ,that one hurt", he said and acted like he just was stabbed in the heart.

An hour later we reached the school. The huge building gave off a mysterious, almost spooky vibe. And the dark wood surounding it just supported it.

This was Nevermore, it was like a second home for me. We went inside and went to our rooms. I shared mine with a Vampire girl named Yoko. She was besides Ajax my best friend. Even though she was kinda special. She wasn't a big talker and when I first saw her, I was really creeped out by her. But as I got to know her better it came clear that she was a sweetheart.

At Lunchtime I sat down beside Ajax and Yoko we shared a table with a few other friends.

"So How is having aroom for yourself ?", I asked Ajax. His prior roomie changed school and now he had a room all alone for himself.

"It's so cool, I mean no one there to annoy me, except you of course", he joked.

"Gee thanks and here I was thinking you loved me", I cried out.

"You know I love you", he apologised.

We bursted out laughing. I truly loved this friendgroup. Later that day we wanted to go to the lake and spend some time there. There was much to tell abbout the Holidays.

As Yoko and me arrived at the lake, no one was there. Rude.
Maybe we were 10 minutes early but still.

"So, what's the thing between you and Jax and don't tell me there's nothing, because I'm not blind?", Yoko asked and my face got a little red.

"Well I may have a tiny crush on him, but I don't know abbout his feelings", I admitted.

Yoko smiled at me " Oh, I'm sure he likes you back and please shut up with the tiny because I know you're down bad for that man"

"Probably ", I smiled.

I think Yoko wantedto add something but right then the others came to the lake.

"Hi Xav, have you lost the little snake boy", Yoko asked Xavier, who came alone.
Since he and Bianca broke up at the beginning of the semester there was a weird tension since they're both still in the sane friendgroup.

"He's still in his room, you could check on him, I'm sure he fell asleep or just runs late as usual ", he suggested.

I nodded and made my way over to the building. When I knocked at the door no one answered so I asumed he was asleep. I entered his room and

"OH", I said.

There was in his room, naked. Not really though. But the Towel around his hip was'nt really big.

"Don't look up", he screamed. And I realised that he probably did't have a towel on his head.
If I'd look I'd be stoned. So there I was staring at his sixpack.

Not the worst situation.

I turned around to let him change.

"You can turn back around ", he said .

I did and there he was, right behind me. Suddenly we were really close to each other.
Really really close.

I felt his hot breath on my cheek and swallowed hard. Something abbout this situation was very hot. I looked in his eyes and noticed that he nervously glanced to my lips from time to time.

I'd say I'm prett good at reading body language so I knew what that meant. But did he really like-

My thought suddenly ended when I felt a pair of warm soft lips on mine.

The kiss was great, when did he learn to kiss like that.

We parted way to soon for my liking but we had to go to our friends.

"Just to let you know, I meant that by word when I said that I loved you at lunch"

Okay, I really enjoyed writing this one. I need to weite more Ajax. I just havethe best ideas abbout him.

AND OMG 5K reads and over 70 votes. Yall are crazy.

Thank you sooooo much, this really motivates me to write more .


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