Xavier Thorpe ~ Raven

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Xavier's P.O.V.

There was this mysterious girl. Eyes as blue as the ocean on a warm summer day. The wind played with her blonde, curly hair. She was the description of beauty.

Often I told my roommate Rowan abbout the pretty girl, but he admited he never saw her, even though she walked past our window every single day at 6 a.m. 

I assumed she was some sort of magical creature. How could she not ? Such beauty couldn't be normal. 

Today I woke up early, i sat down on the windowsill and waited for her appearance. I looked outside. It was a silent darkness. I liked the Silence, only me and my own thoughts. No one could interrupt me. Freedom, I think that's the best word the describe it.

As I was sitting there, waiting, a person appeared. It was her. The golden curls on her head shone in the moonlight. She walked , like everyday, past the window. But suddenly she stopped right on the other side of the glass . She looked directly into my eyes. 

Her lips formed to a little smile and I returned it. She stepped closer to my window. Right before she could lay her hand on the cold glass, to connect it with mine, a dark shadow creeped up behind her, she turned around qickly. Noticing the large shadow she ran away.

The smile on my lips faded. I was so close. Probably to close. I still saw her face in my mind. So close and still so far away. It really was frustating. 

I went to my closet and pulled out a canvas. 

A few hours later, after the sun passed the horizon and enlightened the world. I made my way to my selfmade Art studio. I put the canvas on a holder and started painting. The only thing I preferred over Silence was painting. I knew for sure that it had something to do with my powers. But still it was like Therapie for me. Maybe even better.

I used it to escape the cruel reality. I could just let it all go. The pain, the thoughts, the stress and most important myself. I felt like a different person when I painted. But not like someone else. I felt like myself. 

I swung the brush over the soft fabric and left traces of colour. First blue, then green and after that I added all the other colours. Like I was in trance I just painted. It seemed so unreal.

 While steooing back I looked at the work I just created. Her. A copy of her. It looked so real. How could I have painted that. I turned around to cleant my table as a soft voice spoke to me.

''Hello Xavier'', I never spun around that fast in my entire life. There she was, alive, right before me. The Girl. 

''Hi'', I wispered breathless.

Where did she came form ?  Did I create her ? Was she Even real?

It didn't matter.

''You saved me'', she spoke with her angel like Voice. It gave me goosebumps all over my body.

''I did?'', I asked, nervous to do something wrong. Scared that she might dissapear.

She just stood there and nodded. I was brave enough to get closer to her, till i stood right in front of her. 

''May I ?'', I asked and signaled with my hand that I wanted to touch her.

She nodded again and I layed my hand angainst her cheek. It felt soft and warm. She was real.

With an innocent look in the eyes, she dirrectly stared into mine. I swallowed. She made me feel things I never felt before.

''I'm Shiera, if you want to know my name. What I suppose, since you didn't knew it before.''

I smiled at her. Shiera. The name was special, but stunning. Just like it's owner.

''Shiera'', I said it out loud, just to check how it felt saying her name.

''Yes, that who I am '', Shiera said.

Her voice did things to me, I could never have imagined before.

''Why have you never spoken to me before'', I asked curiously.

''A curse'',she wispered. ''An evil warlock cursed me so that I could never be seen again. But your abilities seemed to end it'.

My eyes widened. Was I really that powerful ?. To break a spell from a Warlock.

I guess I was.

The blonde girl who still stood in front of me, seemed unsure what to do. Oh, she might have no idea where to go to. She indeed was invisible for quite a time. I didn't know if she had any friends or relatives, who cared for her. 

If not then I am here. As a friend or more. I didn't know yet. But one thing was sure.

I cared for her. I always did and probably will for ever.

This girl put a spell over me. That certain spell seemed to make me complete.

I think it was love.


I really liked the vibe of this one.

What do you think ?

I'd be happy if you'd leave any kind of feedback. 


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