Kent - Jealousy

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requested by @Eathancooper462
!Smut warning!

I absolutely hated Sirens, don't get me wrong, some of them are okay but many of them are just selfish manipulaters who don't give a shit abbout anyone,

I had to learn that the hard way half a year ago when my ex boyfriend forced me,with his powers, to still be together with him even though he was a toxic and abusive asshole. I only found out because a friend of mine, heard him talk about it with a friend. Only then I knew that I was tricked and I saw that the feelings I had for him were all fake.

And I might have overreacted and that might be the reason I got expelled from my old school. But the broken leg definitely teached him a lesson. And the trouble I got in was kinda worth it. At least I got away from him.

Now I'm on Nevermore academy and I actually got friends with two sirens.

Bianca and Kent.

At first I was unsure what to think abbout them, but I soon found out that I could trust them. I am good friends with them now, especially with Kent. But lately I noticed that he's acting weird. Our conversations got akward and he seemed nervous whenever we talked.

It was suspicious. Like he had a secret.
I really wanted to trust him because I like him pretty much, maybe even more than just friends but there's always this thought in the back of my mind. The thought that he might just use me and take advantage of me.

And that's the thing abbout Sirens, you never really know when they use their powers on you. Due to the school rules, most of them don't use their powers, but like I said it's hard to tell if they do.

"You alright"?, my best friend Yoko asked and I realised that I drifted off.

"Yup, just thinking"

Yoko nodded and got back to her homework. I already finishedit with Kent in lunch break so I decided to go to the lake. A few people already were there enjoying the sun and the water.

I sat down beside Ajax and Xavier two boys I'm also friends with.

"Oh hi, what's going on", Ajax asked me.

"Nothing special just bored", I answered and yawned.

I layed down beside them, closed my eyes and enjoyed the sun tickeling on my skin.

"Hey, I. think you're being watched", Ajax suddenly said.

I opened my eyes and saw Kent in the lake ,who was looking at me. Wait, did he just check me out ?
No way.

"Shut up, we're just friends", I said.

"Sure, do you think I'm blind. Come on I see the way you look at each other", he smirked.

I slapped his shoulder, he was so annoying sometimes.

"Okay maybe I like him. But there is no way he likes me back. ", I gave in.

Fine now Ajax new abbout my feelings but Kent still didn't and I'd never tell him.Not in a hundred years.
He probably doesn't even even like me , we're just friends.

I looked back to Kent , but the lake was empty. Hm he probably did Siren things with his Friends underwater.
Sad, I kinda missed hearing his voice.

I jumped when suddenly a hand touched my back, I turned around and saw him. Kent as beautiful as always. His hair was wet and shone in the sunlight. He also wore no shirt and my eyes gazed to his trained body.

"Gosh, you scared the shit out of me", I cursed.

"That was my intention, my dear", he laughed and I rolled my eyes at him before also starting to laugh.

"So, You and Ajax. Are you a thing ?", he asked.

I started to laugh harder.

"What ? No. The boys head over heals for Enid Sinclair. Are you blind or something?"

He smiled and asked : "Well cool. And uh what abbout you, for whom are you head over heals ?"

"Uhm, I don't know", I said not wanting to expose myself.

He took a deep breath and took a step closer to me. I realised how close we really were when his a strand of wet hair touched my face. Everything inside of me screamed at him to kiss me now. And he did.

He took my face into his hands and his soft lips touched mine.His hands slided down to my back and he lifted my up. With my legs around his torso I kissed him harder and a little groan escaped his lips.

"Fuck, you're such a good kisser, but the fact that you kissed others before makes me crazy",he said."When you and Jax were talking I almost wanted to punch him in the face."

I stopped him from talking with another Kiss. We went a few minutes and many kisses later to his room were we layed dwn on his Bed and went on kissing each other.

He pulled off my shirt and stripped his pants off.

"You're even more beautiful than I imagined ", he said, breathing heavily.

I also stripped of the rest of my clothes. He layed down on top of me and his lenght pressed against my thigh.

"You're mine, no one else deserves to see you the way I do right now", he groans and pushes in. A moan escaped your lips.

The familiar heat in you stomach grows with each trust, each moan from him. Your hands in his hair, pulling it softly wich leads to groan. His thrust get heavier and unstreadyer.

"Fuck, I'm so close." he moans.

You're also close and with one final thrust he collapses ontop off you. You close your eyes shut and a wave of lust overrolls you.

"I love you",Kent says his breath heavier than ever.

Fist off, sorry for the wait.I hope this fullfilled your expectations.

Writing smut is kinda akward.... so if you know me Irl YOU DON'T...

Happy New Year to everyone


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