Tyler Galphin ~ Not so normal after all

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Tyler Galphin. He was your boyfriend for abbout 2 Years. He was your everything and you were his.
He always gifted you little things like roses or the little chocolate hearts ,you especially loved.It was Perfect.He was perfect.

One of the best things abbout him was,that he always listened to you, like you were telling anexciting story to a little boy, even though you just told him how your day went. The two of you trusted each other with their lives. So you knew when he had a secret.

Latley he got weird. He barley read my Texts and if he did, he was distant and cold. In real life, where he couldn't hide behind a screen, he acted as if everything went just fine.
But it wasn't. I still wondered though, how he got to be the romeo in 7th grade's play.

I knew something was odd. And my Presumption held true.

I hid in a bush near his house . I was pretty scared, what if someone sees me in there.In the garden of the Sheriff, watching his son. Inside the house, in the only room where the light was on, I saw a silhouette of someone. But I couldn't figure out who it was. So I stepped closer to the window, leaving my save hideout.Peeking trough the window, I saw that It was Sheriff Galphin, Tyler's dad. He was a very nice men, who seemed to actually like me.

Tyler's biggest worry was that his dad wouldn't like me. That was the case with his Ex girlfriend. His dad straight up hated her. Tylers obvious daddy issues couldn't take that, so they broke up. That actually was the reason we met.

I saw him sitting on the swing at the playground, where I was babysitting my little brother. I noticed the sobbing boy and sat down beside him. Totally lost, how I could help him, I offered a hug. He basically trew himself into my arms.Overwhelmed I just patted his head. He giggled a little and complained that he wasn't a dog.

After that we hung out more often, and I slowly developed a crush on him.It seemed to be the same case with him. One day he waited in front of my door to get me, my little brother screamed that my boyfriend was here. I started uncomfortably giggling and apologised for him. But then the curly head asked if I wanted to be with him for real.

I smiled at the happy memories. But right now I had a mission. I spotted the balcony in front of my boyfriends window. I climbed the tree and jumped the short distance. Luckily the window was open,so I sneaked in. Right when I came into his room, I heard steps outside. Oh shit this couldn't happen. I quickly hid under his bed. Right in time.

He went to hos closet and grabbed a towel. Then he took his clothes of and suddenly the temperature increased by One million degrees. Only in my mind thugh. But holy shit this boy was so fine. He could be within a male model walk and even then he would outshine everyone easily.

Back to business now, there was no time for simping. But what should I do. Follow him and watch him shower. This didn't sound to bad. No, that wasn't a good idea. Manners matter too. I decided to just wait there.

Half an hour later he walked back in. His steps sounded heavier and something was just different. A shiver ran down my spine. Something was very wrong right now. Ok, I got this.

I peered out of his bed. And then I saw him. Or should I say it. I supressed a scream, this was the scariest shit I ever saw in my entire life. And I saw my second grade teacher naked at the pool. The thing in Tylers room wasn't tyler. I mean he was but not the Tyler I knew.

His eyes peeked out of his head like this fisheye bubble filter in tiktok, but in real life. He transformed into something. At least he tried. Or he tried to prevent it. I wasn't sure.

He suddenly jumped put the window. I still was frozen in place. What the actual Frick was that? What was he ? Then a jarring scream resounded troguh the night.

I decided to wait right where I was. He needed to come back sometimes, hopefully in his human form. And then I'd try to talk to him. He owed me an explanation.

I sat on his bed as a very human Tyler climbed trough the window. When he saw me he nearly fell back out.

"Oh hi, h-how did you came in?",he asked confused and a little bit scared.

"The same way as you", I answered.

"How long, have you been waiting?", I knew exactly what was going on in his mind. I could read him like an open book.

"Long enough", I answered coldly.

He took a sharp breath, he knew that I saw him. He could tell by the way I looked at him. Confused,disappointed and worried.

"Y-you saw it",he noticed.

I nodded.

"Fuck", he cursed.

I nodded again. That was the perfect way to describe this situation.

"Are you the killer ?",I asked,the idea suddenly rushed in my mind.

His face was abruptly pale as snow. No, this couldn't be right. I it was a completely wild guess. My hands were shaky. My face as pale as his. I stood up and walked to the window.

"Please", he begged. A single tear ran down his face. "It wasn't by choice. I have no choice. You know me the best someone ever did. Please believe me. I love you"

The single tear now had many friends who raced down his face.

He was right, I knew him.

I stepped closer to him took his face into my hands and kissed him. Patiently and rough. My Emotions crashed down. Bundled inthis kiss.

I backed of from him.

"Now, my dear. You have to explain, becuase I got a feeling that your notso normal after all."

✨I'm Back with another Tyler one. Even though I'm obviously team Xavier.....

I hope you enjoyed it (:


If this hits 1000 reads there's gonna be a special one.

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