Blast From the Past

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"Ninja, come!" Sensi Wu called.

"Uncle, what is it?" Lloyd asked.

"You all need to go to Zane's old home. The new ninja is heading there," Sensi calmly replied.

"What!?" we all screamed.



I was walking to my old home, when I heard footsteps behind me.

"Who are ya'll?" I asked.

"Use correct grammar Emma," the one in white said.

"Ok who are you all? Wait, how do you know my name?" I asked freaked out.

"Oh, sorry Emma," the white one said, taking off his hood.

"Zane?" I asked my heart full of joy.

"Wait, you know Zane?" the red one asked.

"Duh, he's my big brother," I told him.

"Well, I'm Jay, the black is girlfriend stealing Cole, the red one is Kai, the green one is Lloyd, and you already know Zane." the blue one said.

"He talks a lot," Lloyd whispered.

"Well, how would you like to be a ninja?" Cole asked.

"Yes!!!!" I yelled.

"Well let's go to Sensi," said Kai.

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