Taehyung never had a thought of tasting human flesh but he wonders why Jungkook tastes so good, so sweet and addicting. He's like something Taehyung would gladly store in his fridge.

Making sure he has created a big and dark mark on his neck Taehyung pulls himself back as a sting of saliva kept the connection between his lips and Jungkook's neck. He looks down only to see the reaction of his weak pray. His sharp predator eyes wers giving Jungkook piercing gaze which was strong enough to create hole.

His gaze shifts on his chest, where Jungkook's hands were tightly clutching onto as if his life was depending on it. By the source of moonlight Taehyung could see how ruined Jungkook was just by this. He was too eager to witness how much ruined he would look when he will fuck the soul out of him.

His hand finally let go of his waist as it went up to grasp the boy's chin, lifting up his face to make him look upto him but the boy kept his eyes shut.

Taehyung could easily see how bruised his lips were, the boy surely bit his lips so hard that he made it almost in the verge to bleed. Taehyung's pupils grew wide upon noticing little bit of blood coming out.

Without wasting any moment he leans in, immediately closing the distance between their lips Taehyung sticks out his tongue as he licks the blood on Jungkook's lips who squeezed his eyes even more tightly.

The satisfaction was quite visible on Taehyung's face as a big grin was capturing his face and Jungkook doesn't have anymore courage to open his eyes to witness it.

"Even your blood tastes so sweet, I feel like I would turn into a cannibal if I keep tasting you, Jungkook." Taehyung says as his thumb was busy caressing his bruised lips.

"You're owned by me. You only belong to me, Jungkook. Only and only me, remember that. Make sure you remember this until you die, Jungkook." That was the last thing Jungkook heard before he becomes unconscious.

"Jungkook!!" A very faint voice kept hitting against Jungkook's ears as he slowly opened his eyes only to get a blurry vision, there was someone Infront of him who quickly gives him hands to help him to get up.

Jungkook blinks his eyes several times to get a clear vision and that's when he figured out the person, it was his mom who was looking at him with worried sick eyes.

"Jungkook, baby can you hear me? Are you alright now? Do I need to take you to hospital?" Mrs. Jeon shoots him with several questions as Jungkook looks around, trying to figure out where he was. It was his own room.

"Ho-how did I get here?" The weak voice of Jungkook's asks as his mom replies him without wasting any time.

"When I came back from grocery shopping I found you unconscious Infront of the door. How did you faint, baby? Were you feeling sick? You shouldn't have gone to school if you were feeling sick. Now see what happened, you scared the hell out of me!" Jungkook becomes confused after hearing his mom, he was nowhere near his house when he lose his conscious, how in hell he gets inside the house.

"Was I imagining everything?" Jungkook thoughts, maybe he was sick and imagine everything when he was unconscious if not then how the hell he got here. Or did that bastard left him here.

"Mom, did you see anyone suspicious nearby when you came?" Jungkook asks furrowing his brows at the weman who got a little confused by the question.

"No, I even asked the guard to know when did you get in. They said they didn't even saw you getting in. When will you stop seeking into your own house? You will get into trouble with all of us one day because of it." Mrs. Jeon scolds the boy who dropped his shoulder being lost in his thoughts.

"Then it must be my hallucinations." Jungkook takes a sigh in relief.

"Where's dad? Didn't come back yet?" Jungkook's asks raising an eyebrow.

"Oh honey, he just left hald an hour ago. He got a phone call from the department saying someone left a bag Infront of the office. And you know there was two legs inside it. Geez it gives me chills the more I think about it. How can a person be this crazy to do something like this. This world is filling up with sick people." Mrs. Jeon keeps talking as she was peeling an apple for Jungkook to eat.

Jungkook looks around to find the TV remote as he soon spotted it besides his bed on the night stand. He immediately turned on the TV only to see his father giving interview.

"At this moment we are sure that the person wants to get recognize for his sick doing, there's no reason for a murderer to left body parts of the person they killed infront of a police station. The person wants to get attention from everyone. I still advice everyone to be more careful than before. And if you see anyone suspicious around please contact us as soon as possible, thank you." Jungkook heard his father speech as he got goosebumps. Busy thinking how sick can a person be to do this kind of crazy stuff.

But his mind was nowhere near to know that sick person has claimed him as his. Only if he gets aware of it before it's too late.

I'm too lazy to double check:(( please ignore my mistakes:((

And most importantly if you guys feel uneasy reading it feel free to drop it, don't force yourself to read any book you don't feel like reading 😘😘


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