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yes. Now shush.

The time here and events will be a little or a whole lot different from the actual game, now that I've come back. And uh sorry for leaving, if any of the readers of the story even enjoy or still read the story anymore.

"how is this friendship gonna work out now?" You might ask.
Well don't worry! The super cool author had already thought up of an idea!

Their relationship is gonna be like a platonic one but Jataro kind of a Tsundere to Kimi now. For example, he'll be pushing them away now whenever they give too much or any affection at all to him. Stuff like that :D
I noticed when I go to the Kemugisa tag, Uhm.. no one posts or updates their stories on there anymore so..
I might just become like them because I do have OTHER stories to work on other than this one. Just letting you know
Okay now that that's finished I can finally stop my rambling and start the freaking story.


10+ minutes from planning the sleepover thingy earlier..

I stare the target down as he minds his own business doing his lil art stuff at his desk. And if you didn't know, the target is Jataro.

"So.. Jataro."

Jataro hummed back in acknowledgment. I bit my bottom lip nervously. "You know like, we haven't done anything fun at all in the past few days?"

"Are yoou saying that killing the demons wasn't fun enough?" Jataro asked nonchalantly, making me pause. Was I?

"NOooO! Psh..- Never! If I didn't, would I be friends with you all still?"

"Stop trying to pretend you're my friend Kimi. Just haate me like the others." Jataro retorted, his back still facing me. I just don't get it, he would rather have no friends than have some? People could make you hate them but when someone really tries to be nice, some consideration could be thought of.

I attempt to shrug off Jataro's comment. "I was thinking.. Maybe we could do a sleepover! In our room!" I suggested loudly. The idea clearly caught Jataro's interest when he turned around on his chair just to look at me.


"Before you say ANYTHING, I could make this work in your favor! I promise!" I mentioned quickly before he could say anything else.

Jataro went silent, waiting for me to continue. "I'm not the Ultimate Matchmaker or something, but I know some things about romance at least. And I could make you and Nagisa work, a little more." I explain with a smirk. Jataro shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"I-I.." Jataro mumbled, still unsure whether to agree or disagree.

Oh, and if you don't know how I'm talking normally, it's because of this random tablet that was supposedly for mute people which was an invention recently made before we killed almost everyone in our city. It's surprisingly a great machine really.
No this is not a sponsor for whoever made this okay.

"B-But what about Masaru-Sama?? He hasn't come back yet. Are we going to celebrate without him? I'm sure the others will say no.. Since he is the leader." Jataro mumbled at the last part.

"We could think up of an excuse! Yeah! Maybe something like.. uh..." My brain goes absolutely empty.

Jataro sways his legs thoughtfully. "Hey, I think we didn't celebrate at the beginning of the paradise making.. right? Maybe we use that...?" He suggests eventually.

"Yes!... Wait.. No.. They'll probably try to include Masaru-Sama still." I sigh.

"Why do you not want to wait for Masaru-Sama to come back anyway?" Jataro finally asked.

"T-The more quicker the better..? I don't know but Masaru-Sama is taking an unusually long time just to kill that demon." I explain quickly, making Jataro look at me with a suspicious look.

Jataro thought about the decision that he was going to make right now. He looked like the cartoons, where they would put their hand to their chin and stare at something, except for the fact that he turned his chair away from me again so I just see the back of his head.

I waited, and waited, and waited. It felt forever. Maybe it was forever. Jataro was taking an abnormal time to think about this. He could just say I'll think about it like in the movies! Unless he didn't watch any movies like that..

I huffed mentally. "Hey, no pressure." I chimed in. I grasped his shoulders from behind. I felt his body tense just from me touching his shoulders. He didn't say anything nonetheless.

And finally.. the moment I have waiting for... finally happened, "I-I guess. I duunno how we're gonna convince the others, but I'm sure we could figure soomething out." Jataro said with no confidence at all. It didn't matter anyway. He already said yes.

"Great! I'll will plan the plan and you just go along with it." I explain excitedly.

"Knowing it's you who made up this entire idea, you've probably planned it all out already.."

"Hehe! You know me so well Kemuri-Kun!~"

Though he didn't say it out loud, I could tell he was thankful for helping him with his love life. Of course I didn't state it out loud, knowing that he would refuse to believe it.

"Moving on... Since my humongous brain thought of the greatest plan ev-ah invented.. It's gotta tell it's sidekick too so they could help!" I continue then explain the plan.


Wow that sounds so cool in my head!

But anyway, we decided to separate for the first part of the plan to gather the others so WE could acquire their opinions about the sleepover and if we can have it with them. I haven't thought of an excuse up until now though.. But I'm sure my brain will think of one soon. I think.

Jataro decided to get Monaca and Kotoko. I was going to get Nagisa for obvious reasons.

If I were a smartie pants like Nagisa, where would I be? Maybe my bedroom?

I sprint over to where Nagisa's bedroom is and knock at least 5 or more times. No answer. Unless he's just ignoring me but I don't think that's the case. I sigh mentally and search elsewhere.

Where else would a smartie pants be? Maybe a library. Nagisa likes to hoard books in his room, so he must be a bookworm!

(Idk if there's actually a library in their lair but I'm too lazy to actually research it)

When I arrived at the doors of the library, I peered my head in. I didn't want to alert Nagisa or anything, I also did this because it made me feel like I was some sort of spy. It got some adrenaline running through me.

And there I saw, a weird-hairstyle blue haired boy. Sitting on a desk, doing something I could honestly care less about.

I inhaled and exhaled. I was a bit nervous to talk to Nagisa since I always thought of him as a superior person. And also because he seemed to not like me.

"Heeey, Nagisa!" I waltz right up to him. His eyes were still implanted on his book, but I assumed he was listening.

"Jataro and I are gathering everyone up for a meeting that me and him want to have.. Super mandatory, if you don't come... Uh. Jataro will be like super sad." I added a uh for effect on my speaking device. Now that I think about it, it makes me sound stupid.

After hearing what I said, he finally looked up at me. He had a blank look. "Sure, I guess." Nagisa answered and attempted to smile at me, which worked. Kinda?

I nod happily. "Okay! I'll see you there Naggie!" Before he detest about the nickname I made up, I ran away. I giggled to myself, thinking about his reaction.

This. Is. Going. To. Be. Awesome.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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