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Chapter 3

The child walked through the loud corridor. So, so loud. They wished everyone would be quiet.

"Did you hear?"
"That kid killed his brother!"
"Yeah! They weren't so slick about it. Apparently, their neighbor saw but keeps on denying the fact that it actually happened."
"I don't know, but it's probably because the neighbor likes them."

The child wished they couldn't hear them. They looked down, using their long bangs as a curtain to hide their ashamed face. Then, *BUMP!* the child had bumped into someone. That someone is.... The school president!? Everyone rushed to the president, Tonoko Arawaka. They asked if he was ok, fine, unharmed. But the child could see through their mask. They knew that they only did this just so the president could tell their teacher about how much of a 'angel' they were. Then, they would get a award for something so their parents could finally be proud of them. What show offs. The child sat there, they tried to stand up, but they fell back down. The child realized that they had accidentally twisted their ankle when they had fell.

They're going to be late for class again. Sitting there defeated, a hand had been extended out to the helpless child. It was, of course, Tonoko the President. The child hesitated, but grabbed his hand, feeling the softness, warmth of his hand. The child wanted to hold it forever

"Hello? Hehe, my hand aren't just for show."

For the first time, the child had a weird feeling in their heart. The way Tonoko said it made his heart explode. The tone of his voice was so... Friendly and cute. That was how he talked to everyone, and the child had heard it every other day and had thought it was the most annoying voice they had ever heard. But, why had their hatred of it disappear?


Jataro: "...."

Jataro had gone completely silent, knowing that they wouldn't take silence as an answer, I just shoved the book into Monaca's arms.

Monaca: "What's this, hm?"

Masaru: "It's that book Kimi and Jataro were writing in about his crush!~ And, guess what? It's Na-!"

Kotoko put her hand over his mouth, whispering something most likely mischievous to him when they both smiled at each other after.

Kotoko: "Hush, hush everyone! We wanna see what's inside."

Everyone had huddled up against Monaca's side. I knew my little trick had worked when everyone had disappointed faces when they found nothing. I secretly put the crumbled paper in my jacket.

Kotoko: "Awe, man! The page is gone! Totes not cool!"

It was obvious he was not trying to show disappointment. Nagisa. I wonder why. Ignoring Nagisa, I snatched my book back, smirking underneath.

Masaru: "Oh! Forgot, I have to hunt the demon today, I have to get ready. See you guys later!~"

Masaru ran out of the room, all of us waving good bye. Then everyone went back to their rooms.

Jataro: "Wheew! Thanks Kimi - San for covering me. I don't know what I'd do without yooou."

Wow, all that drama had suddenly made me sleepy. I rubbed my eyes then pointed to the bed to signal Jataro that I was going to take a lil nap before lunch.

Jataro: "I'll be drawing over there, ok?"

Nodding sleepily, I jumped onto the bed. Taking off my shoes and jacket, then dozing off to sleep.
Sorry for such a short chapter! I was feeling real lazy today

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