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Water. All I heard was water. Waves crashing into the sand. Then just retreating, like a coward. It repeated like that, over, and over. Until it annoyed me. I stood up, about to leave.


Were the waves calling out to me? Slowly turning my head around, seeing someone, familiar. But, I didn't know who is was. I tried to remember, but I couldn't. Maybe if I could look at them, I could remember. I took a step forward, step, step, step. Every step I took, the more steps they took back. Eventually, I started to run, they did too. Stop running away. I started to notice that the water was also backing away from the mysterious person in front of me. There was a huge wave, bigger than us, rolling back behind them.

I wanted to warn them. Stop. The waves. It's going to get you. I couldn't. I continued to follow them, trying to grab their arm, shirt, pants, anything to make them stop. I just couldn't reach them. The waves finally had enough of waiting. It was hungry. It's first target was the person in front of me. No no no nonononono. The gigantic wave was hungrily rushing to the person. Feeling tears coming down my eyes, I lend my arm out. I stopped walking, they stopped too. The waves were seconds away from swallowing them whole. I extended my arm out, it stayed like that. Until finally, they hesitantly reached out to get it. Their fingers brushed my fingers before the waves ate them whole.

Don't leave me.

Come back.

I'm sorry.

Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Please...


I woke up sweating, I looked around and saw no one was around, not even Jataro. Where was he anyway? I got presentable to the others and as soon as my feet touched the ground-

Find Jataro.

What? No. He's fine. He'll probably come back later.

Find Jataro.

Jeez, when did I have a annoying voice telling me what to do? I told you h-he's probably gonna come back.

Find Jataro or else he'll leave like him.

Stop it. I don't wanna be like before. Your the reason why I lost him. Shut up.

Find Jataro. Now.

Sighing defeated, I walked outside. I should probably ask around if anyone had seen him. Then, I saw Masaru and the rest, except for Jataro. Oh, he must be leaving now. I should probably say one last goodbye before he goes.

Masaru: "Awe, gee. I can't believe you guys will miss your leader this much. I promise to at least bring back the head of that demon as a winning trophy for mostly me, and the rest of you!"

Kotoko: "Totes! But it would smell..."

Nagisa: "Maybe just don't bring her head. As long as you kill the demon, it losing and Monaca satisfied is our winning trophy."

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