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| Chapter 1 | The Sad and Lonely Child |

Once upon a time, there was a child. For the whole story, the child will have no gender nor a name. The child didn't have a perfect life. Specifically, a perfect school life and at home life. Do you wanna see? Maybe we should see the at home life first.

One of the things that the child had at their at home life that affected them most was... Neglecting from their parents. The child had a baby brother, which the parents cared for most. Most of the time the parents had forgotten to feed the child, or forgot the child at the grocery store. This happened so many times that the child quickly learned how to take care of themselves. But one thing was still missing. Not love. The child didn't know how that felt anymore. They wanted something to do. So, they decided to try to play soccer. Soon they occupied themselves with soccer. They started to love soccer. They-


*Knock Knock!*

I quickly raised my head. Dang, I was sucked into my stories again. I stood up, my body feeling heavy as ever. I took a quick glance around my room, Mine and Jataro's room. He wasn't here, he must've went ahead. I'm last again. Hopefully the new guest doesn't get there before I do. I open the door just to see the Servant as expected.

Servant: "There is a new guest. Please meet with the others."

I nodded and ran past him, not wanting any human interaction with the Servant at all. I finally arrive to where my dear leather masked bestie and my other friends were waiting.

Masaru: "HAH! Oh, it's just you..."

I rolled my eyes under my bandages and passed a sorry note to Monaca. Monaca looked me dead in the eyes, which made a chill go down my spine.

Monaca: "It's fine, try not to be late again, ok?"

I nod and go to my place next to Jataro.


We hugged as if we haven't seen each other in years. But sometimes Jataro gets carried away with the hug and squeezes me until I feel like a pancake.

Jataro: "Heeeeeey. After we meeeet thiss new gueest, I wanna taaaaaalk about something veeeeeery important."

I nod, I wonder what he would wanna talk about. After a few minutes of waiting, we heard the new guest, a girl, open the door. Kotoko, Masaru, Jataro and Nagisa except Monaca did their introduction then finally it was my turn.

I shoved my hand into my pocket just to get a prewritten note out. I crumbled it and threw it at her. She attempted to catch it but failed. It hit her head then fell on the floor. I would've have laughed out loud if I could. But I can't.

If you wanted to read this note too, it says:
My name is Kimi / Y/N
I'm the ultimate lil writer,
It's kind of my career.
My best friend is Jataro Kemuri,
And if you harm him,
You're. Dead. Meat.
Thank you for reading my poem! :)

The girl instantly looked at me, she didn't know if I was joking or not. I glared at her until Jataro suddenly put a arm around my shoulder.

Jataro: "Great Job, Kimi - Saaan."

I lay my head my on his shoulder, in a way that didn't mean love. But apparently someone didn't think that when I felt a pair of eyes staring at us. It was uncomfortable, but I ignored it. I watched as Monaca introduced herself to the guest, I watched the conversation slowly made Monaca more angry. Before I could signal anyone about Monaca, we all heard her complaining, which meant she was mad! We all ran to her, trying to comfort her.

Masaru: "Uh-Oh! Th-This is bad! Monaca's maaad!"

Nagisa: "I-it's going to be alright, Monaca! Please, don't get upset... It's all going according to plan!"

Jataro: "That's right! If Monaca says it, then white is black, cats are dogs, and, um... What else?"

Kotoko: "Oh please, oh please don't get mad! We'll kill a lot of adults, see? So just smile, okay?"

I wish I could've comfort her as well, but remember, I can't talk so I just stood there. Masaru walked up to the girl, or should I say demon, that made Monaca mad.

Masaru: "Hey! How dare you make Monaca mad! That's the last straw! As the leader, I'm gonna hunt you down!"

???: "H-Hunt?"

Nagisa: "Let us play a game. You will be our demon prey."

Jataro: "It's a reallyyy fun game, a godly game..."

Kotoko: "It was Monaca's idea, after all!"

Masaru: "And the name of the game iiis...TAAADAAA! Demon Hunting!"

The rest then explained the game, me not doing anything but just writing down plans to do when we made our paradise. Finally, we made her fall through the trapdoor, then the others started to do their own things. I pulled Jataro to the corner of the room. The others were still here, Kotoko swooning over Monaca, Masaru talking to himself, and Nagisa just staring off into space.

Jataro and I sat in silence for a few minutes. I was waiting for him to say something. Don't tell me he forgot already.

Jataro: "Uuuuuh... Why are we here?"

I facepalmed my self. I pointed at him and me then did a hand puppet talking. I think he got the signal.

Jataro: "Oooh! Right, I asked for us to have a private meeting earlier. Soorrry, Kimi - San, I must've forgot when Monaca started getting mad. You prooobably hate me nooow..."

...This again? Ugh, this is why I hate his mom. Screw Jataro's mom, literally. I did a silent sigh and hugged him tightly. Then, the same pair of eyes were staring at us, and this time I didn't ignore it. I looked behind me just to see Nagisa quickly turn his head the opposite side, where the rest were. Weirdo. I finally let go and signaled him to talk.

Jataro: "Sorry about that earlier Kimi - Saan. I get too carried away sometimes, but anyway we were gonna talk about...... I... I think I'm in love..."

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