|Y/N Backstory|

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Here is Kimi / Y/N's new design:

Hair color: Very very light purple

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Hair color: Very very light purple

Skin Color: Pale white

Accessories color: Stitched Doll Head: Brown, dark brown, white cotton, black clips; Top Hat: Black and dark green; Pencil: Normal pencil color; Bandages on Face: Dark red and dirty white; Gloves: black

Clothes Color: Shirt: White; Text on Shirt: Black and dark purple for the demon; Jacket: Red as dark as black; Pants: Tanish Color; Sock with Bow: Pink bow and white sock; Other sock: Gray; Shoes: Black and white

Now that you kinda have an idea of what Kimi / Y/N looks like, let the backstory (but not the whole thing) ... BEGIN!

It's... cold.
Where was I again? Oh right, the hospital. I can barely see anything with these bandages covering my face, there was only one hole for my one eye to see through. I lay in my hospital bed, bored and alone. All I saw was white which was driving me crazy.

"Hey Kiddo!"

I cranked a bit to the door and saw my sister. She was in college, had a side job, and a car too.

"Guess what? You're going to be released soon and you'll be able to go to school in time!"

Great. School. It's like hell. If I heard someone say they actually love school, there's definitely something wrong with their head. Though my sister couldn't see my entire face, she knew how I felt from my eyes.

"Aww, don't be so grumpy. I promise it'll be great."

Yeah right.

"And good news! Actually, just for me, I'm moving out soon!"

Oh right. My sister had been talking about moving when she was done with college a lot at home. Too bad she doesn't know what happened to my face. I wish I could tell her, but I just can't.

"So... How's your talking, huh? Did the doctors say anything about it coming back?"

I shook my head. That's right, I couldn't talk. How? It's a long story.

"Anyway, I have to go now. Oh! And I got you a notebook, pencil, and the rest of your favorite book series for your birthday! Don't think I forgot."

I smiled under my bandages. I was going to say "thank you," but nothing came out. Right, I can't talk. So I just nod. My sister ruffled my hair and left. I sat in silence, hearing the annoying beeping from the heart monitor. After a few minutes, I grab the notebook and pencil. Finally! Something to do in this boring place. And that's when my little stories started.


I sat in my desk, in a class with maybe 5 other kids. I couldn't bother trying to find out their names. One, because I can't talk. Two, because I just don't want to. I want to be left alone. In this class. Specifically a class for troublemakers. My parents would get super mad, but I could care less. My parents are so mentally draining. Ok, enough about my parents I'm just going to write.


I slowly turn my head to a boy. A boy with a leather mask.


Great. Human interact. I'm hoping he'll just get bored of me and leave.

"Uhhhh...What I gonna say? My name is Jataro Kemuri, I hope we can become friends. *muttering* Since I don't any...."

I opened my mouth to say "Leave. Me. Alone," then remembered I couldn't talk. Ugh, I'm such an idiot. I put up a finger which meant please wait a second then ripped out a blank page from my notebook. I wrote words down rapidly then gave it to him.

If you want to know what I wrote, the note said:
"My name is Kimi / Y/N.
We're kind of the same.
Though, we're not to blame.
We could be friends,
But I'm not so content.
Thanks for reading this Jataro Kemuri. :)"

Yup, I wrote a poem. I'm not really that good at writing poems, but in his perspective, I guess I was.

"Wooooooa! You're really good at writing poems... I'm not so good at them at all. That's why I always get bad grades on every poem writing."

He giggled. My stomach fluttered and my ears turned a bit red. Not in a lovey dovey way, I was just flattered. That was the first time someone ever complimented me, or wanted to be my friend. Maybe I should reconsider.

"Hey, can I draw on your 'face'? By that I mean your bandaaages."

I nodded with excitement. Well, that's a first. He grabbed a sharpie and drew on my 'face'. Jataro took out a broken mirror from his pocket then showed it to me. I had a silly but a cute happy face. For once I smiled a real one under my bandages.


I remember that day clearly. When Big Sis Junko came, it was when the  us 'troublemakers' decided to attempt 5u!c1d3, she stopped us from doing it. She suggested that we'd make a paradise where the adults wouldn't harm us or the other kids anymore. We agreed, then we killed our first pair of adults. After, we killed the Demon bosses which was our parents, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Sadly, Big Sis Junko died mysteriously. Monaca motivated us to continue our paradise then we made a group called the Warriors of Hope. We got the other kids to work with us and killed most of the adults in the city. The only we spared was our servant, but I don't know his name. I hope we can finish our paradise and make Big Sis Junko proud.


I was too lazy to change the last paragraph. :P

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