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Athena's POV

"Cone! You're up in an hour, start getting ready dude" me and Conan got up from the couch. We had been watching TikTok for the past hour leading up to this. "Soo, what's the inspo for today?" He pulled up a picture on his phone. "I was thinking red...to match my outfit with um, maybe a wing?" I looked up at him with a smile. "You can definitely pull off a wing" we went over to the vanity and I started setting things up.

"Athena I'm actually so scared" "It's okay to be nervous, this is your first show back you should be excited." I started prepping his skin, toner, and primer. "yea but this is different" he sighed, "it's my first show back I don't know what people are expecting"

"You'll exceed their expectations, don't worry. Look at your outfit" I giggled, the rose-detailed pants and vest hanging on the rack."The scary thing is I don't know what they're expecting. My set isn't as extra as others, my voice has been off lately" he rambled about a bunch of unimportant nonsense.

"All of what you just said, it doesn't matter. None of it does, people are here to see you" I leaned in closer to start on his eyeshadow. When we first started meeting up to try looks he made it clear he hates any kind of skin makeup, so I skipped it.

"I wish I had met you sooner" I felt blush creep up on my cheeks, continuing to apply the loose red powder to his eye. "Me too" we continued to chat about little things, giggling as I did his shadow. "okay I'm gonna do your eyeliner but you can't move! If you move I will get eyeliner in your eyes and shit, it burns" he nodded, our faces just inches apart.

I didn't wanna do an old boring wing, I took it up to the crease of his eye, making a little one below his lashline and adding pencil to that as well. He pulled off makeup so well, I wish I could be feminine the way men are... it's so much prettier, everything they do that is considered feminine is better to me.

"Okay look, I finished one eye" he looked in the mirror, his sharp teeth poking out of his smile. "The way you slayed that" he started getting quiet, I continued to finish his makeup, adding bits of glitter to his inner corner for a pop of shine. "I'm gonna wait for your face to cool down before I add blush since well...you're blushing but besides that, I'm almost done"

"uh...right thanks" "mhm" I added the tiniest bit of shine to his nose, adding the same highlight above his cheeks. I decided to go at it with the blush, just tracing where he was already blushing. it was really cute, he's really cute. As I applied his lipgloss he was looking right at me, soft eyes that could make anyone nervous. I was kinda confused, but my heart let me think past that, beating weirdly fast.

"Hey, Conan's on in 5 get him backstage" we heard yelling from outside the room. "Almost done" I finished up real fast. Time stopped, it all went so fast. One minute I'm smiling at him and the next he's leaning into me. My eyes went wide as his lips made contact with mine. I panicked, and I didn't kiss back. "I- I don't know why I did that I'm sorry" "Conan wait..." he left the room...

I groaned to myself, why didn't I kiss him back?! Now it's gonna be awkward...I hope this doesn't affect how he's on stage.

"What do you mean he kissed you?" "He kissed me and I panicked so I didn't kiss him back, then he ran out of the room" my heart was beating out of my chest, god I feel so stupid. I was talking to Melanie over the phone, everyone is busy on stage or behind so I have no one when Conan performs.

"What do I do? Should I go back to the hotel? Should I wait for him? What do I do Melanie I'm scared" "calm down!" I was on the verge of tears... "Go to the store, buy him ice cream and flowers, go to the hotel and wait for him to come back, then make out!" I scoffed at the last part. But it wasn't such a bad idea, I'm going to do it.

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