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Athena's POV

Tangled limbs, bedsheets. All pulled together by the gentle smell of vanilla filling the room. Of course, Conan was turned towards me, his soft features making my face soften. He's so pretty it hurts.

I waited for him to wake up, my skin pressed up against his, listening to the birds chirping and traffic outside.

He fluttered his eyes open, his long eyelashes in the way of his shining brown eyes. "Creeper" he pushed me off of him jokingly, taking me back into his arms. "I hate you" I grumbled, pushing up closer to him. "You love me" I do.

He placed his chin on my head, a pretty kiss placed on my shoulder, his lips slowly moving over my body. "Conan! Stop" I tried to push him off me, his laugh was contagious...making me stop fighting it and letting him continue with the kiss attack.

"Your skin is so soft" he moved his hair out of his face, flashing me a small smile and continuing to place small sweet kisses over my shoulder. "Yea yea I know, I used your body scrub thing" I pushed him off of me, sitting up on the bed.

I took a second to focus in, taking a look at my surroundings. The plant in the corner was literally about to fall down, messy clothes thrown all over his floor. "Cone, babe, you need to clean" I covered my chest with my arm, picking up a shirt from the floor to throw on.

"I do not, I'm too busy to clean you know" "excuses, excuses" I laughed, my body pulled into his with his arms.

"Lazy day?" I nodded in agreement. "We should...actually I don't know" I yawned, entering the bathroom. I went to brush my teeth, Conan wrapping his arms around my waist and nudging his neck on my shoulder.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" He shook me lightly, making me giggle.

"I love you more" he gave me a stern look, not wanting to fight. "Oh come on! You know I'm right, I was the one who liked you first" I rolled my eyes, starting up the coffee maker. "Uhm well I asked you on a date first" we started arguing over who loved each other more, giving stupid reasons as of why we were qualified for #1 lover. It was me for sure.

We laid on the couch after breakfast, finally it was cold enough to bring out that big blue blanket we have. My mom had gifted it to me, it was super warm. "I don't even need you for warmth anymore, I have this all to myself" I teased him, wrapped up in the fabric.

"And you say you love me more" I shook my head, letting him under. I hooked myself onto his torso, arms around his chest and our legs wrapped up together.

"You look so cute like that" "I'm literally just minding my own business, and I know, I'm just so beautiful" I scoffed, shoving his shoulder jokingly. "Wow, cocky much?" "You know it" he pinched my cheek, making me cringe.

"Go turn the record" I scooted him, not wanting to get up to do it myself. "Yea okay, fine" he went over to the player, switching the Lover vinyl to the other side before setting the needle down gently on the engraved plastic.

"We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January. And this is our place, we make the rules...And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear"

He synced the lyrics like they were his own, putting on a little show for me. "Have I known you 20 seconds, or 20 years?" He yanked my arm up, leading us into the darkened kitchen. "Conan! I was warm" "too bad so sad, Dance with me" he smiled, making me groan. Can't say no to that face.

"Can I go where you gooooo?" I sang in fits of giggles, the song continuing as he spun me around the kitchen, taking turns in holding each others hand and placing kisses on our foreheads.

"Can we always be this close...forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home. You're my, my, my, my lover"

"If you trip me i swear to god Conan!" "What! I'm not gonna trip-" he kicked the back of my calf, making me fall to the floor. "Wow! Abusive much?" I sat on the floor, looking up at him. "I'm sorry!" He definitely isn't.

"Yes right" I scoffed, getting up and back to the living room to wrap myself back up. "I'm sorry!" I continued to be "mad" at him.
"Forgive me? Please" "no" "come on!" He pulled me in a hug, dragging me like a burrito or something on his lap. "Please?" He placed a kiss on my lips, then another on my collar.

"You can't do that!" "I can" he laughed, a little hiccup following after. "Okay lover boy, that's enough" I cringed at my words, Conan squeezing my waist before giving me another kiss.

"And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover"

A/n: a short little chapter ☹️ I love this song so much they are so cute 😭🥹

𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐝 : 𝐂𝐆 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄-𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant