𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬, 𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬

460 14 10

Athena's POV

"Call me when you can, I'd like to talk" I rolled my eyes at the message left in my inbox, Conan's girlfriend. I have no idea how she got my number, and I don't know if I care. If she's gonna rant to me about Conan again leave me out of it, she's the one he left me for, she should be happy.

I deleted the message, going on with my day and not caring much about it. I did. Check if Conan called, trying to apologize for what she did. But no, nothing.

Days passed and it felt as if this was the only thing on my mind. The pure obsession of waiting for calls or texts from him took over me. Of course Melanie got mad, saying I was in a fools paradise and I was just delusional.

"Are you seriously checking for a call? If you want him to call you that bad then why don't you just call him?" She set down the bowl of popcorn. "I can't do that, he's still with May and he loves her so it doesn't matter" she gave me a disappointing look, leaving me to thoughts again.

We watched movies, did our nails and other self care things. I made the best out of it but today was hitting harder than any other day. It would've been me and Conan's 2 year anniversary. If he hadn't left me for her, if she hadn't pulled him in he would be with me right now. I try to hate him, I really do. But seeing all these videos and him being all around me at all times. It's hard to not remember so many good memories we shared.

"I'll be back tomorrow okay? Have a good rest!" Melanie waved with a smile, leaving me alone in the house. I studied the living room, trying to find a flaw to fix or clean up but there was nothing. Not in the kitchen, not in myself.

"Hi! It's Conan Gray and I'm here wi-" I groaned, turning off the tv and stashing the control away for me to find another day. I turned the lights off, ran upstairs and just cried. I hate myself, I'm so fucking crazy and needy.

I stayed in bed for hours, getting no sleep and only painful headaches from constantly crying. Good thing I live alone, I'd feel horrible if anyone had to hear my ugly sobs.

I was surprised when I felt my phone vibrate in the sheets, looking frantically for it. "Hello?" I pulled myself together, waiting for the voice on the other end to respond. "Hey Athena? You know Conan right?" I couldn't recognize the voice, just replying with a simple yes. "He said You're his girlfriend? I don't know, he's shit drunk and he needs someone, think you could take care of him tonight?" "Uh, okay...send the address"

I got off the call with the guy, leaving myself a mess, not really caring. I drove, maybe even sped a little bit. I got there in 5 minutes, a random street I've never been in before. I saw Conan and his friend, the guy basically holding him up. He looked distraught, picking up the pace once he saw my car. "Athena, Athena I'm so- I'm so sorry" tears came to his eyes, getting in the back seat.

"Conan where's May?" He just shrugged, struggling to keep his eyes open. "She cheated on me, with her high school boyfriend" he hiccuped. I felt My bitterness drift away, now feeling bad for him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't call. And that I treated you like shit. And she's never as good as you. Will not be ever" he spoke his words drunkenly, barely speaking as he started to cry.

"Conan don't cry, do you wanna go home?" "I want to stay with you" he held his face in his palms, sobbing into his hands. My heart ached, tears building up in my eyes. God, why did I get myself into this? "You told him I was your girlfriend?" He nodded, apologizing. "I don't know anyone else" "what about Olivia? Where is she?" He shrugged. I'm not the only one he knows, he's lying.

I helped him get out of the car, up the stairs and into the guest bathroom, "take a shower, god knows you need it" I handed him a towel as he took his clothes off. "Tell me if you need help I guess" I stepped out of the room, going into my bedroom to find him into some comfortable clothes.

Yea, I have his clothes so it wasn't hard to find him something, setting them on the bed before going into the downstairs bathroom and getting him medicine. I've never seen Conan drink, he's never done drugs or anything of that sort. This is so weird of him.

As he took his long ass shower I cleaned myself up, washing my runny mascara off and brushing my hair. It wasn't much but it made me feel the slightly bit better. I boiled some water for tea, lavender. I need to relax for a bit, tonight has been...weird.

It was already 3am and we were sitting in silence in my living room, I was just waiting for Conan to pass out at any moment. But no, he stayed awake, giving me glances every couple minutes. "I'm sorry for putting this, all this stuff on you" he shook his head, still intoxicated. "It's whatever, I'm always here for you" I hated that it was true.

"I know, I should've listened to May when she told me to get lost and just come back to you, I'm sorry again. I'm just a bitch" "I know that" I mumbled. "I'm sorr-" "stop apologizing Conan, I understand" I shook my head, going to leave the room before he pulled me back.

"I still love you" my heart dropped, not knowing what to say. "You're just drunk Conan, come on let's go to sleep" he sighed, not fighting back. "Goodnight Conan" "Night Athena" I closed the door to the guest room, making my way to my room.

I can't believe he would say that, he probably doesn't mean it. He's literally drunk. Yet again, drunk words are sober thoughts.


We sat in the dining room awkwardly, after having to explain everything to the now sober Conan, he was more than embarrassed. "I'm sorry again, I shouldn't have dragged you into this" he stirred the spoon in his coffee, still not drinking it. I just shrugged. "you're still important to me, I'm not gonna leave you drunk in a dark ally" he softened his eyes, thanking me again.

We spoke some words back and forth, I would've offended him a ride but my car ran out of gas last night. I called Melanie to bring me some, but she's always late so I wasn't expecting her to show up in a snap.

We went on a quiet walk, running up the hill behind my house in small giggles. I didn't want to get close to him again, I don't know what he could do. Trusting him again is gonna be hard, if I even see him again.

"I miss you...you know? And whatever I said last night-" "doesn't mean anything" I let out a breath. "I know" I looked at the colorful sky, mixes of pink and orange lighting up the both of us. "No actually, I'm sure I said stupid things but...I do mean what I said about you." I looked at him, just examining his face, trying to read his body language. "May...she's nice, but she treated me horribly and would always compare herself to you, it was exhausting"

"Leaving you was my biggest mistake, and I'm sorry. I want to fix what I did, I want you back. Give me another chance...please?" I didn't know how to respond, weirded out by the entire situation.

I fidgeted with my hands, looking up at him. He looked the same, he always has. His curls had gotten more noticeable, sure he's not straightening his hair anymore. "I- I don't know" i looked down, biting on my lip hard. "It was hard without you, you left me with no reason. I thought I had done something wrong, I still need closure"

"You didn't do anything wrong, I did. I was stupid enough to leave you, not because of anything...I don't know why I did that, I'm just stupid" "good thing you know it" I smiled at him. "Promise, okay?" I held his face in my palms, using my thumbs to trace his pretty lips, edging the both is us.

He pushed in, our lips finally making contact after months. It felt so comfortable, so sweet. I pushed closer, wanting him more than anything. This could be the worst mistake of my life, but I'm willing to take that risk.

A/n: inspired by Conancore! Also I just wanna say happy 4th birthday Sunset season, the record that made me like discover Conan kinda? I remember writing a Billie fic and having y/n listen to SUNFLOWER SEASON- GIRL WHAT IS THAT HAHA 😭 But anyways, happy birthday to that little Ep that gives me so much joy and that nostalgic feeling <3

Word count: 1538

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