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I pulled out a shirt of mine with my favorite music artist on it and some black baggy(-ish) jeans. I closed my dresser and put my clothes on my bed. I then proceeded to strip (no details 4 you yet perv. Saving that bit for later).
When I was done putting on my clothes I walked towards my bedroom door and turned the handle. Once it opened I stepped out and didn't bother closing my door behind me. I began to walk down the hallway and look at the art pieces on the walls. Once I got to the stairs I walked down and went directly to where I heard voices.
"Miles, where is y/n? I thought you woke her up already."
"She should be coming soon. I'll go check."
"Miles dear, you don't have to."
A bit of silence passed by before the voices started up again.
"Yes I do."
Once I got close to the room with voices footsteps came in my direction. I looked up confusingly and saw Miles.
"Oh, I didn't think you were up." He said to me silently.
He made eye contact with me and grabbed my wrist, gently. He proceeded to lead me into the room where I ate breakfast yesterday. Flora smiled at me when I looked at her. She was sitting next to Kate on the other couch. He let go of my wrist once we arrived in front of an empty couch and he sat down grabbing his plate and leaning against the couch. I looked down at him and he took a bite of his toast.
Once he swallowed he spoke,
"Well, what are you waiting for?" He asked me.
I then snapped my head down to the table to see a full plate. Everyone else had picked theirs up and ate from it. I grabbed my plate and sat down next to Miles.
"Good morning y/n." I heard Mrs.Grose say to me.
"Morning y/n." Kate said to me while looking down at her plate.
She looked sort of, well, upset. Concern filled my body until I remembered the previous events that had occurred last night. Miles seemed to have noticed that I was looking at Kate so he scoffed to get my attention. I looked at miles and he looked back.
"Y/n, Kate said I could teach her how to ride Delilah today. I'll try and make it short." He said to me.
He locked eyes with me.
"I wanna spend the most time with you today." He said.
I began to smile sweetly at him and blushed at little.

Oh shit, what if he noticed?

He gave off a devilish smirk and spoke,
"Honestly, I just want to get away from a bitch like Kate." He whispered to me.
I then laughed but tried to keep it in once I noticed Mrs.Grose was staring at us.
"But today, don't you wanna ride Samson?" He asked me.
I nodded my head vigorously and excitement filled my body. He slightly cocked his head and spoke,
"Proud of you for your efforts on Delilah yesterday." He said to me.
I smiled and put my hand on my thigh.
"Thanks Miles." I said quickly.
I turned my head towards my plate and took even more bites until I felt full enough. The funny thing was that I felt Miles's eyes on me the entire time.
"So Miles, You gonna teach me to ride Delilah or what?" Kate said trying to make her voice sound enthusiastic.
I turned my head to Miles. He looked towards her while giving a death stare.
"Well that's what I said yesterday, didn't I?" He asked mockingly.
Kate sighed and Mrs. Grose was about to speak before Kate did.
"Well we should get going then, Miles!" She said to him.
I put my plate on the table and waited for his response.
"Fine. Y/n is coming." He said to her.
He interlocked our fingers and I glanced at him confusingly.
Is he for real holding my hand?
Before I could think anything else I was pulled off of the couch.
Ugh. False alarm.
He was just pulling me off of the couch.
"Remember, I'm making it short. Just for us." Miles said to me.
My face turned red and my heart melted.
"Thank you, Miles." I said to the boy.
Before I knew it he led me to the front door.
But wait, what?
We stopped abruptly in front of it.
I glanced back and forth between Miles and Kate while extremely confused. I looked at the door knob and slowly began to raise my hand to open it before Miles blocked it. I looked over at him and raised both of my eyebrows.
"Shh.." he said quietly while smirking.
He gestured for me to look over at Kate and she sighed. She reached her hand out towards the doorknob and twisted it, opening it for us. When we walked out of the house Miles. Silently snickered while looking at me.
"What a fucking peasant." He said to me.

Sorry for the wait on this chapter!!!11!!

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