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Miles led me downstairs seeming a little surprised.
"I'm surprised you'd want to try to ride." He told me.
"Why? You think I can't handle it Fairchild?" I asked him jokingly.
He looked at me once we reached the end of the stairs and walked closely towards me.
He gave me a serious look and whispered while barely an inch away from my ear.
"To be honest..No. I don't think you can even get close to handling it.." he whispered.
Shivers went down my spine. I then put my hand on his shoulder and pushed him away.
"Well why don't we find out?" I told him back while hiding the fact I wanted to scream.
He then put his hand on my back and nudged me down the hallway gently. I began to walk with him by my side. I then noticed as we were walking our hands brushed against each other.
Miles quickly pulled his hand away and looked at me. I felt a little hurt, so I stopped smiling and just looked forward while letting out an unnoticeable sigh. Miles looked back forward.
"What have you two been up to?" Kate asked as we walked into one of the living rooms. (This is a MASSIVE HOUSE. Has to have at least 2 living rooms.)
Miles scoffed after she spoke.
"Nothing really. Miles and I were just hanging out for a bit." I said.
She seemed to be focusing on Miles giving him a surprised look after the scoff.
"Well..it's just about lunch time." She told us.
Miles looked at me and I looked back.
"Are you hungry..?" He whispered.
"Not really." I whispered back.
"Me neither." He said.
We both looked back at Kate and Miles spoke,
"We aren't hungry Kate." He said with an annoyed tone.
"Mrs. Grose told me you guys had to eat. I'm sorry but I'm going to listen to her Miles." She said to both of us.
"Let's go y/n.." he said to me.
He then began to speed walk to the front door.
"And where do you think you are going?!" Kate asked us sternly.
When we got to the door Miles opened it as fast as he could and we leaped outside.
"You two have to listen to me." She said slightly irritated.
Miles then grabbed my wrist and we jogged up to the stables with Kate following us. Once we got there miles took me to Delilah.
"You should probably ride her first.." he said.
Before I could respond Kate was in there with us.
"You guys really don't want to?..Fine." She said while disappointed.
She walked out of the door and Miles looked at me.
"What a stupid fucking reason to get mad." He told me.
"I know." I said while looking back.
He then began to get Delilah out of her pin.
"Follow me, now." The way he said now sent shivers down my spine.
He then led me to a big field. I stared at the grass below and all of the trees. My eyes then trailed towards the maze. The Fairchild residence had a strange maze made just of trees and bushes. It had to have taken ages for Miles and Flora to memorize how to get through that thing.
"Hey, Miles." I got his attention.
He then looked up at me while putting a saddle on the horse.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Why is Mrs. Grose so strict on your meals?" I asked him.
He then took his hands off of Delilah and spoke.
"Well, I sleep late. So late that I tend to miss meals sometimes. She probably just wants me to be well fed or something. I don't fucking know but it's annoying." He told me.
"Huh." I plainly said.
He then pet Delilah slowly and gestured for me to get closer to him. I did as I was told and got closer to him and Delilah. He then grabbed my wrist and trailed my hand towards the horse.
He then laid my hand on her.
"Pet her. She won't bite." He said to me.
I then moved my hand on Delilah to pet her slowly. Once I pulled my hand away Miles smirked.
"You wanna ride her now?" He asked me. (Ik damn well if I keep saying ride y'all think of non pg shit)
I then hesitated for a moment before Miles spoke.
"It's okay y/n. I'm here." He told me.
I looked up at him.
"I think I can do it." I said.
He gave me a sweet smile.
"But how the hell am I supposed to get up there?" I asked him.
"I'll help you get up." He said to me.
I then looked up at Delilah.
"I think I'm ready." I said to Miles.
He then grabbed my hand and rubbed the top of it with his thumb.
"Have fun then." He told me.
He then said some words to Delilah that sounded like it was in another language and she lowered her body. Miles was about to move his hands to my waist before he spoke,
"Can I touch you here? It's for me to help to get on." He asked me sweetly.
"Yeah that's fine Miles." I answered.
He then put his hands on my waist and my cheeks began to heat up. He helped me get on and held me gently.
"I'm gonna let go of you now, okay?" He alerted me.
"Okay..." I said to him.
When he let go of me Delilah rose up from the ground and I gripped onto the saddle.
"Now.. hold tight."


(This took way to long to write😭)

𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 🕷 - 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝑭𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu