"At school." Miley replied.

"We go there now?" I say.

"Yeah." Melody nodded and their mom took us the school,my mom was also there.

"Hi mom!" I smile.

"Hello darling,and you look gorgeous!" She smiled back.

"Thanks." I smile and we entered the school and went into this big room where there was already people sitting down.

"Scary.." I mumble because of my anxiety.

"You guys go in there and wait for y'all's name to be called." The twins mom,Leslie said.

We nodded and went inside the room where we met the other girls in the pageant including Carrie.

"Wow,not so bad isn't it?" She laughed.

"I was hoping yours would turn out better but I guess not." I shrug.

"Whatever,but when you guys don't win,I'll be laughing." She chuckled and went to her friends aka Victoria.

"Don't listen to her girls." Melody sighed.

"Right." Miley said.
(I don't know how pageants work my bad)

-time skip to the winners lmfao

"First place is..Y/n L/n!!" the person said as people clapped and I was nervous I didn't believe it at all.

"Oh..oh I won.." I say nervously.

"Congratulations babe!!" Melody smiled as I went up and they placed this thingie around me.
(I don't know what it's called)

"Second place..Victoria Ross!!" He said as I sighed seeing Victoria with a huge smile on her face.

"Congrats Y/n.." she rolled her eyes.

"Now third place..Miley Ryder!!"

"Oh my god!" She said and she went up.
-"C'mon Melody!" She smiled as Melody stood next to her and she wrapped the pageant thing around them both as I chuckled.

"Congratulations!" The man said.

"Thank you." I smile.

"This is bullshit!!" Carrie yelled.

"Carrie,language" the man said.

"I was supposed to win!" She stomped.

"Cringe..I wanna go." I say and get off the strange where I met with my mom.

"Congratulations!!" She hugged me.

"Thanks mom." I smile and hug her back.

"Congratulations!" Leslie said and hugged me as well.

"Thanks." I smile.

"Congratulations girls!" My mom hugged the twins.

"Congratulations my babies!" Leslie said and hugged her babies.

"Thanks mothers." They smile and we began to walk and talk back outside the school.

"Hey,I just wanted to say congratulations to y'all." Finn smiled.

"Thanks Finn." I smile blushing slightly at him.

"Thanks!" Melody patted his shoulder.

"You guys really brought Carrie down!" He chuckled.

"We did." Miley nodded.

"I was thinking maybe we could hang out today?" He said.

"Sure why not,but first we're gonna change out of these dresses alright?" I say as he nodded.

We went home and changed out of the dresses,put on normal clothing and met up at Finns place.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey!" Melody said patting his shoulder once again.

"I was thinking we could go to Main Event?" He said.

"Hashtag broke af." I chuckled.

"I'll pay." He said.

"No,I'll pay." Melody said.

"I'll ask my mom for money." I say.

"Okay no,I'll pay." Finn said.

"Fine." Melody said and Finn called an Uber for us.

We made it to Main Event and Finn paid for us and we began to play games.

"Oh my god! Basketball!" Melody said and ran to the basketball hoop game.

"Minions!" Miley smiled and played to minion game.

"Claw machine." I chuckled and went to the claw machine as Finn played the game next to me.

I struggled getting the plushie I wanted.

"Let me try." Finn said as I let him try and he got the plushie.

"This games bullshit." I sigh as he chuckled.

"Here." He said handing me the plushie.

"Thank you." I smile.

"You're welcome." He smiled back.

"Hey gu- oh my god!! That's the cutest thing I've ever seen!" Miley said referring to my plushie.

"I know right?!" I chuckled.

"Are you guys on a secret date?" Melody asked.

"Melody stop it." I said knowing what she was trying to do.

"I mean..maybe?" Finn smirked.

"Oh c'mon Finn!" I groan.

"Okay,okay,we're not on a secret date."
-"or..maybe?" He smirked again as I rolled my eyes.

"Right,you guys are cute." Melody winked as she walked off.

"Now to make this more awkward than it already is..imma leave." Miley left.

"Okay.." I sigh.

"It did get really awkward." Finn said.

"Yeah." I nod in agreement.

"I really like you Y/n." Finn said not making eye contact.

"Yeah,me too." I said without knowing I did.

"You do?" He asks.

"I do what?" I say.

"You like me?" He asks.

"Yeah..but I wasn't gonna tell you,but you found out somehow."

"No you told me,just like 5 seconds ago." He chuckled.

"I did?" I say sounding confused.

"Yeah?" He chuckled.

"Oh..I didn't realize." I laugh as he presses his lips against mines.

I was shocked but kissed him back,I was on cloud 9.

"I knew it." Melody smiled widely as we pulled away.

"No you didn't!" Finn said.
-"it wasn't a secret date." He added.

"Mhm." Melody chuckled.

We continued to play games and we went home after a long night.

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