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Guess what today is..if you guessed school you're absolutely right.

School is a nightmare for me..I mean probably because I get bullied there by Victoria and her friends,but she doesn't know her boyfriend Bruce tried to hook up with me 2 months ago.

But that doesn't matter,I have two friends there at school,Melody and Miley.
They're twins and their both amazing!
They are sweet and kind..they deserve the world,they've been with me through hard times and defend me when I get bullied.
They told me I need to start defending myself because they won't be there for me forever which is true.

I got ready for school,and it was uniform sadly..I hate this school uniform so much!! It's a blue skirt with black squares,white long sleeve shirt with black and blue tie,the ones men wear..long black socks and I wear converse with the outfit because no way I'm wearing those shoes we're supposed to be wearing!
The boys uniform is better than the girls.
They get to wear black pants,white long sleeve shirt,black and blue tie,black jacket,like is this a wedding or what?

After I brushed my hair and teeth I went to my bus stop and there I saw my crush.
He's pretty popular and stuff,he was on his phone and didn't look away from it.
He was smiling at his phone like he was texting someone,or maybe he was?

Our bus came and he obviously went in first,he doesn't bother letting me go first.
One time I tried going first and he just ran in and pushed past me.
Anywho,I went in the bus behind him and sat in my original seat and we headed off the school.

Once we got there I waited outside the school for Melody and Miley,they finally came out and came up to me.

"Hey!" They both said with a smile on their faces.

"Good morning,you two look nice today." I smiled.

"Same clothes,different hairstyle." They chuckled.

"Facts." I say as we headed into school and straight to our lockers.

Our lockers weren't next to each other or anything but that's obviously okay.
I got my books for my first class and class didn't start in like 15 minutes,so us girls hung out for awhile.
At school we had this hangout place where kids would hangout,it had circle tables and chairs,flower trees surrounding the place,it was outdoors and it is beautiful!!

We sat down where we usually sit and started talking about random stuff.

"Oh,and Finn has a girlfriend!" Melody said sounding shocked.

"Finn has a what?" Miley asked making sure she didn't just hear what she thought she heard.

"Yeah,Finn had a girlfriend,can't you believe that?!" She scoffed.

"He" I say trying not to make anything obvious,Miley knows I like Finn,Melody doesn't.
Kinda surprised Miley didn't tell her I did,they usually tell each other everything.

"She's a lucky girl." Melody frowned.

"Yeah.." I nod.

"Of course it's a blonde haired girl." Melody looked over and so did I,there they were..Finn and his girlfriend Carrie.
I can't blame him for dating her..she's popular,beautiful,supposedly kind..she has long blonde hair that she curls or sometimes has it up in a ponytail,she was also pretty tall,and a cheerleader obviously.

That BoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ