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School was finally over and I went outside to wait for the girls,they came out before my bus came.

"Can we ride your bus?" Miley asked since every Friday they ride my bus to hang out with me,my bus driver was nice and would allow them to ride the bus with me,Miley would sit in the middle,me by the window and Melody at the end of the seat,we fit perfectly.

"I'll ask her." I smile and we walked to the sidewalk as all the people who rode that bus was there,even..Carrie?

"Since when did she ride your bus?" Melody whispered.

"She doesn't,guess she's going with Finn tonight." I shrug.
-"but he told me today he doesn't like her." I added.

"Oh,that's harsh." Melody chuckled and the bus came,the students went in as we followed behind Finn and Carrie.

"Woah,who's this?" Our bus driver asked Finn who had Carrie.

"She's my girlfriend,she'll be riding the bus every Friday from now on." He said.

"I'm sorry I can't,we already have Melody and Miley on this bus every Friday,we can't do that." She sighed.

"What?! That's so not fair!! I wanna ride the bus with him every Friday and you have to kick them off so I could ride this bus!" Carrie shouted as I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry to interrupt but can Melody and Miley ride today?" I asked politely.

"Of course sweetheart." She smiled as Carrie didn't let us get past.

"Excuse me." I looked at her.

"No,tell your friends to get off this bus." She glared at me.

"No thank you,they have permission and you don't." I push past her as she pushes me and I fell down.

"Oh my god Y/n,are you okay?" Miley asked helping me up and Melody stood behind me so no one can see under my skirt even if there was black shorts stuck to the bottom,they both know it still makes me uncomfortable.

"I'm fine." I say and take Miley's hand to get up.

"That's it,off my bus young lady!" The bus driver yelled as Carrie scoffed.

"Just get off,babe." Finn sighed in annoyance.

"What?" She glared at Finn.

"Just heard her." He said as he helped her off the bus.

"'re bleeding." Melody said as I looked down at my knee and it sure was bleeding.

"Oh sh-" I stopped myself from swearing and Finn came back on the bus and looked at my knee as the girls helped me sit down.

"I'm sorry about her.." Finn apologized and went to his seat.

"He likes you." Melody whispered.

"He doesn't." I sighed and we drove off.

We made it to our destination and the girls helped me up and I was holding on the seats and the girls got off the bus,my knee hurt and so did my hands.
For some reason they hurt when I fall or hit myself,it's kinda weird.

I started getting off the bus and almost missed a step,Finn was behind me and I felt his hands wrap around my waist holding me so I wouldn't fall.

"We got her." Miley said and took my hand and helped me off the bus.

"Thanks" I smile at her and she nodded.

"Thanks Finn." Melody thanked Finn for holding me as we walked to my house.

"My moms gonna say something once she sees my knee." I say.

"Do you have a bandage Miley?" Melody asked.

"Uhm,I think so?" She took off her backpack and gave me a bandage and Melody put it on my knees for me and Miley knocked on the door.

"Oh hey darlings!" My mom smiled and hugged the twins.

"Come in." She said and the girls helped me in my house.

"Who's that boy?" My mom asked as we all turned around to see Finn standing by the stop sign watching us,once we looked his way he turned quickly and walked to his house.

"No one." I say and we went into the sewing room.

"I worked on it." My mom said and my dress had to top on my dress.

"Thanks mom!" I smiled and hugged her.

"'s gorgeous." The twins said.

"Do you think we can help finish it off?" Miley asked as I nodded.

"I'll make dinner." My mom said before leaving the room.

Once she left we began sewing some leather on the top of the dress.
Miley was working on the back of the dress and Melody helped with the top.
We then took off the dress and it looked beautiful.

"Try it on asap!" Melody said.

"Okay." I said and put on the dress as they cleaned up.

"What do you think?" I asked as they looked up.

"Wow.." Melody said.

"Gorgeous!" Miley smiled as she tightened the dress from behind but not to tight.

"You're so gonna win!" Melody smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"You really think so?" I asked as she nodded.

"Now let's see if dinner is ready" she said and I took off the dress putting on my oversized shirt and some black shorts.

"Came out just in time!" My mom smiled as she placed the last plate on the table.

"Looks yummy!" Miley licked her lips ready to eat.

"Did y'all manage to finish the dress?" My mom asked.

"Yes we did,and it's absolutely so beautiful!" Melody smiled excitedly.

"It really is!" Miley smiled as well.

"Thanks mom." I said.

"What for? You made the dress." She chuckled.

"Still, would've never happened if it weren't for you." I smiled as she smiled back.

We began to eat and spoke about random stuff and the upcoming pageant,the twins were talking about the hairstyle they wanted and makeup they were gonna do,but I didn't know what I wanted so I'll ask my mom to do that for me because she does it 24/7.

And she does such an amazing job! I'll just let her do what she thinks is best for me.

That BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora