truth was told

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after out little moment on the roof me and kells have been really close. he explained what happened between him and megan. megan was cheating on him with someone she did a movie with

"y/n wanna go to the store with me?"

"sure lemme go change real quick"


i run upstairs and put on black ripped jeans and a blue tank top. i put some mascara and eyeliner on. i put my cross necklace on and im ready to go. i go downstairs to see kells waiting for me by the door. we walk to his car and get in. we listen to his songs on the way there. we both are screaming the lyrics. he parks in the parking lot and we both get out. we walk in and he grabs a chart and goes to the food. i go to the records. less than 10 minutes later he comes over with a chart full of food.

"you like records?"

"love them"

he gives me a smile. and all the sudden i get butterflies. woah. thats new. no one ever gives me butterflies. i guess kells is special.

*kells pov*

she likes records. i like records!

"ready to checkout?"

"yeah but can i get this record i swear i'll pay you back"

she points at a metallica record. i give her a big smile.

"absolutely but your not paying me back, and don't argue"

she rolls her eyes in response. we go to checkout but get stopped by some girls. we talk then get pictures. luckily they weren't sluts and they were respectful. we checkout and put the groceries in the car and head home. we pull up to the house and no ones home. so we put everything up and after that y/n takes her record upstairs to her room. she comes back down and sits on the couch. she turns south park on. so i join her.

*y/n pov*

"i gotta tell you something y/n"

i sit up, my heart is racing. im scared for what he's gonna say. i start messing with my fingers.

"i like like you y/n"


"yes! ever since our moment on the roof i've liked you, but i know you don't like me so it really doesn't matter just thought you should know"

"i like you to kells."

and the truth was told.

falling for him (mgk x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now