found my home

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after unpacking and finish putting up my pictures i feel hungry. i walk downstairs to rook and slim watching tv. i go to the kitchen and look for something to eat. i found some grapes, i love love grapes. i grab a plate and put them on. i also found some chips so i put them on as well. as im about to go back to my room kells walks in.

"oh hey"


there was a moment of silence and awkwardness.

"so are you liking it here?"

"yeah i actually am"

"good good"

he walked to the fridge and grabbed a water and just looked at me. i remember i have a poster i need hung up but im not tall enough. and kells is pretty tall standing next to me. i mean i am only 5'2, and what hes 6'4 or 6'5.

"so i need help hanging a poster and im short as hell so i was wondering if you could help?"

i grab my plate and we walk to my room. i set the plate on my desk and grab the poster. he doesn't say a word and just takes it. i grab 4 tacks and hand him one at a time. he doesn't say a word the whole time. i wanted to ask how him and megan were but last i heard they got divorced. so i kept my tiny mouth shut. he steps back and looks at it with me. it looks perfect.

"it looks good"

"thank you for helping me hang it"

"of course"

he gives me a smile and leaves my room. he walks to his room and slams the door. i finish eating my food and take my plate downstairs. i put it in the sink and join slim and rook and baze in watching south park. south park has always been one of my favorite shows ever. all the sudden this huge slam noise comes from upstairs. they must hear it all the time because they wen't back to watching south park. but me being me i go and see what it was. as i walk upstairs i follow the noise and stop someones door. kells door. i open the door a crack and see his rooms destroyed. i slam the door open and look for him. i dont see him anywhere. then i turn to the window. the window thats wide open. i get on the roof to see if i can see him. thats when i see him sitting looking at the sky. as i get closer i see his cheeks are stained with tears. i go and sit next to him. i grab his hand and just hold it. we don't say a word. he lays his head on my shoulder and doesn't say anything. i feel at home for some reason. i think, i think i found my home.

falling for him (mgk x y/n)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat