21- graceland too

Start from the beginning

It was white with large pillars on the front porch. The door was a grey color and so were the shutters all around the windows. It was modern and pretty cute. A part of me wondered where his parents were.

We all parked down the road and made our way inside. Loud music was already playing from the house and there were cars upon cars lined up in the driveway. Chaotic would be an understatement.

"Let's party!" Josh shouted, grabbing Jake and running towards the house. I couldn't help but laugh. I could tell that he missed being around that many people at once. It was his nature, he was a social creature and he thrived in places like this. It only showed me even more depth of the duality of man.

"Come on, let's go." I said excitedly, grabbing Sam's forearm and heading to the house. Upon entering I immediately smelled weed- I knew what it smelled like because the boys smoked every once in a while when we were out in the garage, but i'd never done it.

"Wow, that's strong." Sam coughed, making me laugh to myself.

"Hey, if anything I should be the one coughing right now, mister." I scolded playfully, continuing to make my way through the foyer.

I didn't really know anyone other than the boys. I saw a couple of familiar faces from school but nothing that I could really put a name to.

"I want a drink." I said quickly, seeing people with red solo cups walk around happily.

"Okay, we can go to the kitchen. But do NOT ever let anyone touch your drink, okay?" Sam deadpanned, waiting for me to confirm that I understand.

"Yes, Father!" I laughed, making my way to the kitchen, Sam following behind me with a groan.

I grabbed both of us a beer from the fridge, handing one to Sam.

"No, no." he protested, handing it back to me.

"Today I am the designated driver. I'm driving us home, not Jake." he added, giving me a quick smile. He was so sweet, putting everyone else first.

"Okay, whatever you say." I smiled, giving me a side hug. He was warm, as always. It was comforting in a new environment.

I drank my beer, and it tasted okay. I didn't drink often, and even then I never ever got drunk, just a buzz at most. My father wasn't very strict but I always made sure to be careful on my own.

Every once in a while we could hear Josh and even Jake yelling and messing around from different areas of the house. Sam and I made rounds and I attempted to talk to some people that Sam already knew. They were all pretty nice, but I figured they would be considering Sam even associated himself with them.

"Hey, babe." Eric said as Sam and I approached him and a group of his friends.

"Hi!" I exclaimed, smiling over at him. As Eric spoke to me, I felt Sam move closer to my side. He was being cautious, as always.

"How are you liking the party?" he questioned, kind of sizing Sammy up in the process.

"It's been fun." I said whole heartedly. I was having fun, mostly because Sam was there with me but still.

"Sam!" A familiar voice shouted suddenly, bursting through the doorway of the living room. It was a totally drunk Jake freaking out.

"JOSH DRANK TOO MUCH-" Well no surprise there... I thought to myself,

"AND NOW HES ON THE ROOF AND THE BASTARD WON'T COME DOWN!" Jake was anxious as hell. He would have been far calmer if he wasn't wasted already.

"Okay, okay." Sam grumbled, "I'll come help." he added looking over to me quickly.

the new day - samuel kiszka (greta van fleet)Where stories live. Discover now