Bright is back to the work and by the time they're done with the event, he checks his phone to see if there's any replies from Win.


Bright feels a bit sad but tried to think positively, it's maybe because Win still busy or maybe he didn't bring the phone or maybe that and this...

"Phi...Are we going back to Bangkok right now?" He asked his manager

"Yes we are...You still have another schedule tomorrow morning " says the manager who is sat next to him in their van, right now, in the evening they are heading to the airport.

During their flight back to Bangkok from Chiang Mai, Bright couldn't stop thinking about Win. Imagine that his poor baby has to work with bad mood after their calls.

The flight took more than 1 hour and soon as they're arrive at the Suvarnabhumi airport. Bright told Phi Eed that he has an appointment with friend and knowing that Bright has no more schedule for today, Phi Eed just remind him of tomorrow schedule and not to late.


"Thank you for your hard work...have a good rest everyone..." The director thanking everyone after long and tiring shooting.

"Thank you Phi..." Win also replies

He bid goodbye to everyone and get going from the shooting site.

"You good?" His driver from the company asked him, he saw Win massaging his temples soon as he entered the car.

"Oh yes, I'm just a bit tiring today. Can you please send me to my apartment phi?" Win lay down the seat

"Sure... it's almost 3 now, you must be tired, let's go then" the driver talk no more, he lets Win have his time at the passenger seat.

Win knows that Bright sent him few messages but he doesn't feel like to read them...he was busy keeping his mood in good vibe for the sake of their shooting and now he feels too tired to read them.

He missed Bright a lot but it's feels like Bright is all stressed by the whining from Win.

Win reluctantly pulled out his phone from the pocket and slide the screen, tap it right on the new message notification.

Few messages from Bright, seems like Bright trying to clarify things to him and comfort him by saying that he loves him and didn't meant to hurt Win's feeling.

Feeling a little light seeing these positive messages, but Win still holding grudge over the reaction Bright showed him before.

He tells me that he loves me but his expression was something else.

Such a naughty boyfriend...but...

I miss him...

Those were the last thoughts Win has before falling asleep.

Awaken by the driver when they reached his apartment, Win thanks the driver before heading to his apart room.


New notifications showed up. One message from Bright, asking him where he is now.

"On my way to my apartment" Win finally reply

"Can I come over? I miss you"

"I'm tired" such a short answer Win sent to reply.

On his way to his apart, Win didn't get anymore replies from Bright.
He got mixed feelings about this and he feels a bit disappointed that Bright seems to gave up on meeting him.

"What a man...I miss you too you fool, just because I said I'm tired doesn't mean I don't want you can't you be more sensitive..." Win kind like murmuring his annoyance

But is not this sounds funny, he sounds like an unstable teenage who wanted to be chase by his lover but also don't want to show that you want your lover.

Pulling the key card out from his pocket, Win suddenly felt tired and sad, he just wants to sleep right now.


He opened the door and closed the door with no spirit shown on his face at all.

Taking off his shoes, walk a bit to the couch, leaning his head aback on the header of the couch and closed his eyes. Exhale, inhale....only the loneliness in the air.


A sound of a footsteps heard from the bedroom.

Fully aware of the footsteps sounds but Win's brain didn't processing fast enough to let him opening his eyes before the owner of the footsteps becomes very close behind him.


The lips of the person who walks behind him kissed him on the neck, twice.

"Phi bright?!" Suprise by the person he saw in front of his eyes, Win is half yelling.


Next Chapter will be hot I promise...

Sarawat & Tine (Bright & Win)Where stories live. Discover now