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Today, was my day off. I am taking my time all by myself to get over all the madness with the gang. I even took a bubble bath, which i had never have the time to do so. After, my bath I pick out my clothes for today. I than decided on black leggings and a f/c sweater.

I than went into my kitchen to make me some hot green tea with chocolates on the side. I than went into my living room were my drafting table was.

I sit down in my chair and started to sketch out a new design for one of my personal outfits. I was about finished when I heard my landline started to ringing.

I groan before getting up and walk over to the phone. I pick up the phone and held it to my ear. 'I swear if it's one of those scam callers' I thought.

"Hello," I said into the phone.

"Y/n! How have you been" the lady voice said over the phone. Wait...this girl sounds familiar.

"Sorry, but who is this," I questioned.

"Oh my Lucifer, you don't remember me," she sounded hurt, "it's me, Helsa, Helsa Von Eldritch,"

My eyes went wide, 'what the fuck does she want' I thought.

"Oh hi, helsa," I said plainly.

"I'm kind of hurt that you don't remember me," she replied sounded some what sad, "you used to hung out with me and sevitathan all the time,"

"yeah, I remember hanging with sevitathan," I rolled my eye. "What do you want Helsa," I said coldly.

"N/n, why are you being so cold," she whined, "I just want to hung out like we used to," she replied.

"Yeah, right," I told her, "bye Helsa," I told her bring the phone down.

"Wait!" I heard her called out.

I sighed and rolled my eyes again, I bring the phone to my ear again, "what," I plainly.

"I really want to hung out," she said sounded surprisingly calmly.

I did say again, but the silence was get awkward. "Okay," I replied

"Great! I'll pick you up than," she said.

My eyes went wide, 'if she knew were I live, I will blow my cover here' I thought.

"No!" I shouted, I cleared my throat, "no, I will meets you somewhere," I said.

"Okay, than," she replied, "how about we meet at the cafe we used to meet at,"

"Okay, that's fine," i replied.

"Alright, see ya soon n/n," she said.

"Wait," I stop her, "how did you get my landline number," I questioned.

"Oh, your mother give it to me," she said before hanging up.

I put the phone down. I sighed before going back to my room to putting something.

I looked in the mirror. I had to wear something that made me looked like I'm still lived in my family luxury. I need to or Helsa will asks questions, but I still need something not to extreme. Something fancy and simple. It took me a while, before decided on a outfit.

 It took me a while, before decided on a outfit

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(You can change the color)

I looked in the mirror one more time, before grabbing my keys and leaving my apartment.

I was walking to the cafe that Helsa told me to go to. My heels clicked on the concrete as I got closer to the cafe. After a while, I was at the cafe. I push the door open. Making a bell jingle nosies. When I went through the entire, I looked around before seeing Helsa sitting at a two seat table.

I walk over to her table. I pulled the chair out and sit down. I looked at Helsa, who still hasn't seen me sitting in front of her. She on her phone texting someone.

I cleared my throat, Helsa role her eyes before taking her eyes off her screen. She looked up and saw me sitting in front of her. Her eyes widened "N/n!," she gave me a toothy grin.

I rises my hand up to make her stop talking. "Don't call me that," I coldly told her.

"Why I can't called you that," she angrily said, "back than sevitathan and Charlie called you that,"

"Charlie is my friend and I was way more closer to sevitathan than I with you," I said.

She tsk before looking away from me, "whatever, it's not like he talks to you anymore," she role her eyes, "after Charlie dumped him,"

I glared at her, "you know what," I stood up from my chair, "I think we're both done here," I said before taking a step away from her.

I felt someone grabbed my arm. I looked behind me and saw Helsa hand grip on to my arm.

"Wait," she paused, "don't go I really mean when I said I want to hangout," she said.

I signed, before sitting back down. "Alright,
What the reason why you want to hangout with me," I asked.

Helsa gave me her toothy smile, "I just want see you again," she laughed, "when I heard that you started to live in the pride ring, I just want to see how your doing," she said.

I gave her the looks that said 'really now', i role my eyes not believe what she's talking about. 'I need to be careful all the years I know Helsa, she was always been manipulating type' I thought.

"Okay, what do you want to do that than," I asked questioned her motive.

She stared back right at me, not saying anything. She kept staring, but she quickly realized what she was doing. She blinked and looked away from me. She, than started to laugh.

"Well y/n, if you're really persistent, than fine," she than crossed her legs. "The reason why I want to see you again is not because I want too,"

I gave her another 'really now' looked, "really I can't have guessed why that would be an option," I role my eyes.

She glared at me before tsking, "I want to torment Charlotte," she replied.

I squint at her, "you want to torment Charlie like you did in high school," i said.

"Yes, obviously," she replied.

I got up from my seat, "okay, I'm done here," I told her.

She gasped, before grabbing my hand. "Let me explain," she said. I sighed once more, before siting back down again.

"I want to tormented her like she did to me all of those year ago," she explained.

"Oh, so this is about your guys rivalry to get back at each other for what exactly," I asked

"I don't know what your talking about," she crossed her arms and looked away from me.

"Mmm, okay," I replied, "but what do I get out of this though," i smirked.

She looked at me again and started to simile,
"If you don't help me, I'll just give some information to all of the rings news stations that princess of the sloth ring is living in the pride ring," she said as she look at her nails.

I tsk at her, before crossing my arms to my chest, "and why should I care about that," I asked.

"Because I know that you don't want the entire population of hell looking for you," she added.

I thought for a minute, before sighing at her, before Greeting on her deal. She simile and got up from her chair. "Well, let's get started," she said as she walk away. I got up from my chair and followed right after her.

|Princess of The Sloth Ring|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن