P. FFT: Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"For the hundred time, I can't" – said Arash making the brown haired male look down and the prince approached him – "hey, is nothing against the idea, I would love to be there more than anything, but things are..." – he trailed

"Weird, I know" – said Peter

"Is an insurance, my uncle still have the powers and I...I don't know yet, I was transformed just like him, but according to him things were different for me with the Infinity Gauntlet powering up The Dahaka for my possession and the whole number Zahra, Klompa and Nizam did on me" – explained Arash

"Do you feel anything right now regarding them?" – Asked Peter

"No, I mean, the way I used to channel them, I'm trying to do it but..." – trailed Arash – "...something just doesn't feel the same, but just as an insurance Tony arranged for me to be in the "Emergency Compound" or "Avengers Mansion" as they call it now, Bruce will be there to be somehow of a legal guardian for me or something, I think if by any means something is still there in me, he can help me fight it or control it" – he explained

"Can I visit?" – Asked Peter

"As my boyfriend, I think you are more than aloud to visit" – said Arash with a smile

"How about Aunt May? She may want to see you" – said Peter

"I guess she can go too then" – said Arash

"And what about Ned and MJ and-" – started to say Peter only to be silenced by the other boy kissing his lips in a peck that was a second but enough to shut him up

"What about we do a gathering when I'm settle down? Sounds good?" – Asked Arash and the other boy nodded blushing – "ok now, let's get going before they get worried or think we are doing something sus" – he added moving behind him to push him lightly so they could walk out the plane

((((((((((((((( Time Skip )))))))))))))))

"This is the place?" – Asked Arash arching an eyebrow

"Yep" – said Happy

"Is much smaller than I thought even if it is a mansion, I don't have a problem with that, but I'm surprised that by Tony standards this is a compound" – said Arash

"You saw his home, he is not the same as before, all his new places and inventions reflect his new modesty" – said Happy with a smile

"Modesty? Tony?" – Asked Arash

"I know, I know, but you know what I mean" – said Happy

"Wait until you see the inside, it basically screams Stark" – joked Farah

"As expected" – said Arash with a smirk

The trio walked inside each one carrying at least two suitcases and a bag with all the clothes and belongings of both Arash and Tamina, when they walked inside, they could see some scientist walking around the area, it wasn't very crowded but as they saw the people that entered none couldn't help but to turn their heads around and see the trio, specially to the Prince walking inside the mansion.

"Welcome!" – greeted Bruce to the trio with open arms

"Hey big green, good to see you" – said Arash approaching the man for a hug that the gamma filled male reciprocated – "it really feels like I'm hugging a hard wall" – he laughed and the man laughed with him as they separate from the hug

"Sorry am not more squeezable" – said Bruce

"It's fine, in fact..." – trailed Arash looking around – "this place will be just fine for me and Farah, even with all the scientist and people working around it feels like home" – he stated with a smile

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