Chapter 8 - Friends?

Start from the beginning

"Forget that there are the others. Just think that we are alone in a room decorated with candles. Our bodies crave for each other. We have been waiting for this moment for a long time." Liam whispered, caressing my cheek gently, and traveled his hand towards my neck.

I moved my hand up along his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my traitorous body against his body more. He tightened his grip around my waist and leaned towards my ear.

"Yes, baby. See, how our bodies crave for each other." He whispered in my ear hoarsely and ran his lips along my neck without kissing it.

I squeezed his shoulder, pressing my legs together, and shivered in desire. "Liam..." I mumbled in daze.

"Perfect!" Marco exclaimed proudly, bursting our bubble. "We finished!"

I pulled back quickly, embarrassed and bit my lower lip shyly while feeling Liam gaze on me.

"You were fabulous, guys. The chemistry between you two was just... wow. It was one of my best photoshoots." Marco commented, excited as he approached us.

"Thank you." I murmured.

"Yes, my partner was amazing." Liam stated huskily and looked at me, full of desire in his eyes. I gave him a warm smile while his gaze set my body on fire.

"I... I will change my clothes." I mumbled nervously and went towards the dressing room in quick steps.

After I had changed my clothes, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened, and Liam walked in, closing the door behind him. I bit my lower lip nervously while my heart started beating faster.

Get a grip, Aurora!

What is going on with you?

"So are we going to hang out this Saturday as official friends?" Liam asked hopefully, giving me a boyish smile.


"Please, didn't we agree to be friends? I want to have dinner with my friend." He pouted.

"Fine." I nodded, smiling.

"Great! I will pick you up at 7 p.m., sugar." He informed me, excited.

"No need. I will come myself. Just send me the location." I refused firmly. "And don't call me sugar. How many times do I have to warn you?" I asked, frowning.

"Be ready at 7 p.m. I will pick you up, sugar." He stated, determined. "And I will keep calling you sugar. If you want to stop me to call you sugar, I don't know maybe you should tell me to stop calling you sugar a billion times..." He shrugged his shoulder, thinking while rubbing his chin. "But for it, you have to spend more time with me. So I can often call you sugar, and you warn me not to do it." He added mischievously and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and pursed my lips together, trying to hide my smile. "You are something!"

"Yes, I am something else." He gave me a cocky smirk.

"I didn't say you are something else. I said you are something." I corrected firmly.

"Yes, I am something else. Glad, you finally accepted it." He grinned wickedly.

I heaved a loud sigh and shook my head. "See you later, Liam."

"Laters, sugar."


I smiled, amused while I read Liam's message. Last Saturday we met up as we planned. We had dinner at one of the luxurious restaurants in New York. After it, we strolled in Central Park while Liam was telling me funny things which happened to him. Then he dropped me off my house. I enjoyed our evening so much.

After I had replied to his message, my phone rang. It was my classmate, Lexi. She was going to get married in Los Angeles this Sunday. I was planning to attend the wedding, but my mother had to go to Detroit to take care of the preparation of the event which was going to be hosted by the company she worked for.

Her workmate was going to help with the event while my mother was going to look after Luke. However, her daughter gave birth yesterday; so she couldn't leave her alone because her husband was abroad, and he would be back next week. If Naomi didn't have a day-off, I would ask her, but she had plans for Sunday with her family.

I picked up the phone and greeted her warmly. As I informed her that I couldn't attend her wedding, she got upset.

"Bring Luke with you." She suggested hopefully.

"I can't. He gets moody when he is awake at his bedtime. Moreover, he doesn't like crowded places. I don't want Luke to disturb the guests." I explained. "I am sorry. I really want to be with you on your wedding day, but I can't." I added sadly and greeted Serena with a nod as she walked in.

"What happened?" Serena asked as I hung up the phone. Once I finished explaining, she suggested me. "I will take care of Luke while you are in Los Angeles."

"Thank you, but I don't want to bother you. I will stay with Luke myself." I gave her a grateful smile.

"You don't bother me. I like Luke so much. It is decided. Luke will stay with me." She stated, determined.


"No buts. It is order from your boss." She said, cutting me off and winked at me.

"Thank you so much." I gave her a grateful smile.

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