Chapter 2 - The Halloween party

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Aurora's POV

When James opened the door and saw me, he was shocked. Firstly, I thought he was just surprised because he wasn't waiting for me, but after seeing a woman wearing nothing, but his shirt, my world crashed. I didn't remember how I ran away from his apartment.

I couldn't go back home in this state; so I went to my best friend, Jasmine's house.

After talking to her, I felt slightly better, but I couldn't still forget that scene. I had to blow off steam and forgot what happened. So when she mentioned me about the Halloween party she wanted to go, I decided that it was what I needed. It would be better if Jasmine joined me, but she caught a cold. So she couldn't go with me, but she gave me the costume she bought for herself.

As I walked into the nightclub, I looked around curiously. The decorations, music and the people who were dressed in different costumes made me excited, letting me forget my pain for a while.

I approached the bar counter and ordered Cosmopolitan while enjoying the ambience.

I was sipping my drink absently while feeling slightly dizzy. I had been drinking since I walked into the nightclub. Once I finished my drink, I decided to go to the restroom.

When I was about to the restroom, I saw a man dressed like a Greek God in the hallway, leaning his hand against the wall for support. He looked so handsome, making you feel like he was a real Greek god. I didn't understand what got into me as I decided to walk towards him.

He looked at me, making me lost in his blue eyes as I approached him. In a swift movement, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and smashed his lips against mine, kissing me feverishly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back as he pushed me against the wall, sandwiching me between the wall and himself.

The following morning, I woke up in an unfamiliar room with a pounding headache. My eyes widened in shock as I saw a naked man sleeping beside me on the bed. I wanted to disappear as the scenes from last night flashed in my mind. Some of them were blurry, but I was sure of one thing that I spent last night with a complete stranger.

I looked at the man who was sleeping, his head buried into the pillow, giving me a full view of his slightly muscular back. I cursed under my breath, closing my eyes shut while I was holding my tears back hard.

I got up to pick up my scattered clothes and put on them on quickly. Then I left the suite before he woke up, leaving my Zeus for a night behind me.

As soon as I walked into my house, I went to take a shower. Then I informed my mother that I had to go back earlier than I planned, and I flied back that evening, hoping to forget what happened in those two days. However, it didn't go as I planned. My whole world collapsed as I saw two lines in the stick six weeks later.

I didn't know what to do anymore. How could I take care of a baby while studying at university? Moreover, I worked at the café part-time after classes.

When I went to New York to tell my mother about my pregnancy, I was afraid of her reaction. As I guessed, she freaked out when she heard about my situation. She told me how I could be this irresponsible and ruin my future.

After talking to my mother, I went to the garden as I needed some fresh air; it felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. I sat down on the stairs in the garden and wrapped my arms around my legs, lost in my thoughts. I had two choices: I had to drop the university or I had to give up on my baby. I felt so desperate. However, deep down in my heart, I knew I couldn't give up on my baby; I had already felt some strange bond with my little one.

If my mother didn't work, she could help me with the baby while I went to the university and worked after my class, but it was impossible. She had to work to earn money; we couldn't live with the payment I got while working part-time at the café. I wished my father was here with us. If he was alive, I wouldn't have to choose between these two options.

I wiped my tears off my cheeks quickly as Serena called me while approaching me. Her expression changed instantly as she saw my red eyes from crying.

When she found out about my pregnancy and my plan to drop the university, she suggested me her help. At first, I refused because I didn't want her to bother with my problem, but she insisted.

Serena found me a part-time job at my university; so I didn't get tired so much while working at the café.

When my due date was getting close, she hired a woman, Maria, to take care of me and not let me stay alone. After birth, Maria would be going to take care of the baby while I was at the university. Serena told me that Maria had been her younger son's nanny as well. She was in her early fifties.

My mother told me that Serena also found my mother a better job.

I would always be grateful to her for helping my mother and me.

Once I graduated, I went back with my son. She visited us the following day and suggested me to work as her assistant.

It had been a few months since I started working at her fashion house. I really enjoyed my job. Meanwhile, my mother and I were working, a new nanny, Naomi, was taking care of my son. Maria recommended her as she couldn't come back with us because her daughter started living there after getting married.

Naomi was in her late forties, and she had two daughters who studied at university. I was relieved that I found someone reliable to take care of my angel. I couldn't trust any stranger easily; especially when I had to leave my son alone with them. I knew Maria wouldn't recommend anyone bad because she loved Luke like her own grandchild.


I frowned in annoyance as I saw Liam talking to a girl at the cafeteria when I went to get a cup of coffee. He was a supermodel and the ambassador of the fashion house. There were a lot of banners with his photos. Moreover, there was a large billboard with his photo from his campaign for Dior in front of the fashion house.

Despite the fact, I saw him a few times, I disliked him. He was a incorrigible womanizer. Every time he came here, he flirted with different girls. I didn't understand what girls liked about him; yes, he was quite handsome. He had blue eyes and brown hair as well as an angelic smile, but his personality... it was a turn off.

I rolled my eyes as he told something in her ear and she burst out laughing. Then he gave the girl an arrogant smirk, and she left after stroking his arm. I shook my head in disbelief and approached the coffee machine.

"Would you like to have a coffee with me? There is a café near the fashion house where they make the most delicious coffee." Liam suggested as he approached me and gave me a charming smile.

"Thanks, I am busy." I replied dryly and grabbed my cup.

"You shouldn't tire yourself so much. Moreover, we can use the opportunity to know each other better." He commented flirtatiously. "You have been working here for a few months, but we didn't get a chance to know each other properly." He added seductively, looking me in the eyes, making me lost in them.

I cleared my throat and took a sip from my coffee to distract myself.

"By the way, I am Liam. And you?" He asked warmly and extended his hand towards me.

"Aurora." I introduced myself and shook his head. When I touched him, it felt electric shock which made him smirk.

"What a beautiful name!" He commented hoarsely without releasing my hand. "Well, how about my invitation about knowing each other better?" He asked, caressing the back of my hand with his thumb.

I gritted my teeth and pulled my hand away. "Thanks. I know you enough. I don't need more." I replied dryly.

"Hmm... What do you exactly know about me?" He gave me an amused smirk.

"I know that you run after every mini skirt." I stated sarcastically.

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